Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry Soo, I didn't mean to scare you," Taehyung rub the back of his neck like he always does when he's nervous, I interrupted him. "What are you even doing here Tae, thought you had a date with Seo-yeon?" Taehyung shook his head answering. "I canceled, we can go out another night, and tonight we should hang."

Taehyung looked over his shoulder. "So who was that, thought Jin had practice tonight?" I open the door looking at Taehyung a second before answering. "Was Jimin, he caught me walking and gave me a lift home." Taehyung looked a little mad. "What the hell Soo if you didn't have a ride I would have took you home!" He didn't even mention anything about it being Jimin who brought me home so hope bloomed in my heart.

"Yeah well I didn't want to intrude in your date," Taehyung shook his head, heading to the kitchen. "Soo even if you make me mad enough to pull my hair out I'd never make you walk home and you've always came first even when I dated some girl." I just stared at him shocked for a moment.

"I know but your dating Seo-yeon, this won't," Before I could say more Taehyung saw my face. "Soo what happened to your face?" I went to tenderly touch my cheek. "Nothing for you to worry about Tae."Taehyung moved my hand out of the way, gripping my chin gently he tilted my face up for him to look at my cheek. "Someone hit you Soo, who did it!?"

I sigh not wanting to cause problems for Taehyung, but I've never lied to him or kept anything from him before. "Seo-yeon slapped me, it's nothing though Tae so forget about it." Taehyung looked at me stunned for a minute before snapping. "She did what! Why did she hit you, oh my god, Soo I'm so sorry." I just shrugged and turned going into the kitchen.

Taehyung grabs my arm right inside of the kitchen stopping me. "What do you mean Seo-yeon slapped you and it's nothing, Soo that's something huge!" I just shrug keeping my back to him. "Exactly that Tae, she confronted me about some things and I retorted my answer, apparently it wasn't what she liked and let me know by hitting me." I heard Taehyung mumble something when I turned to look at him. "I can handle myself Tae, please just forget it okay, let's just hang out get a pizza or something and watch Netflix."

Surprisingly Taehyung wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight, my breath caught in my throat feeling tingly all over. "Tae?" He hugs me tighter before letting me go. "Pizza and a movie, just nothing like Odd Thomas alright." I laugh dialing the pizza hut, after ordering I took two sodas into the living room sitting down beside Taehyung. "Okay you can just pick the movie then. Pizza will be here in twenty minutes."

After eating most of the pizza and half way through the movie I leaned my head on Taehyung's shoulder like usual but this time I ended up dozing off. After the movie was over Taehyung realized I was asleep. "Soo," I answered him my cuddling closer to the warmth of his side; he smiled down at me watching me sleep for a minute before gentle shifting to pick me up. "Hm," I nuzzle under his chin making him grin wider, he quietly and gently carried me to my bedroom; laying me on my bed. "Shh Soo I'm taking you to bed." Taehyung gently stroked the hair from my face.

Mumbling more asleep than anything I softly talked to Taehyung . "Hm, shh don't tell...Taehyung," Frowning Taehyung lean down to whisper to me. "Don't tell Taehyung what Soo?" Snuggling into my pillow I muffled the answer with my face half in my pillow. "I love him," Taehyung sat there stunned staring at me for several minutes until I started to shift in my bed again, he quietly left my room.


End of Chapter 13


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