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Ally's POV
The girl had just woken up, she was seated at the kitchen table, eating a banana, although it was late.

She resembled Camila, which was so weird. She even gave off the same aura.

"We found someone who can look after you." She looked up at Dinah.

"Her name's Demi. Do you know a Demi Lovato?" Dinah asked, her voice gentle.

The girl nodded. "She was kind enough to feed me when I was starving on her territory, she took me in and let me stay until I was back on my feet." The girl spoke.

"My name's Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N." She said, offering a hand to me.

I smiled, shaking it.

She winced as she sat up.
Those vampires had stabbed her in the thigh with a kitchen knife....

"Hey, hey, easy." Dinah helped the girl sit again when she tried to stand.

Y/N sighed, giving up her attempts at finding it in her own strength to take care of herself.

This girl feels defeated. I know that she is a fierce and strong girl just because she managed to survive with the vampires for that long.

Months. She explained the various ways of torture they put upon her, in attempt to spill her blood.

She was always left weak and on the ground.

This girl was different. She fought, and the look in her eyes shows that she hasn't given up quite yet.

"I can take care of myself." She explained to us.

"Y/N, honey you can hardly stand." I said, gesturing to her bandaged thigh.

A sigh of frustration left her lips.

"Demi will be here tomorrow morning and you'll go with her pack." She stopped listening, feeling completely frustrated with the position she was in.

That was when Lauren walked in. She had just returned from her late night run.

There was a glint in her eyes as both girl's looked into the other's eyes.

A look of recognition, and a mate bond....?

Lauren quickly looked away, breaking the staring contest with the Y/H/C girl.

This confused me. I've heard of someone finding another mate later in life when their's has passed away, but never a couple of days after. Could Lauren have had two mates?

I tore my eyes away from the emerald eyed beauty.

She made me feel weird, self conscious, and nervous.

I tried to stand, successfully limping to the door.

"Y/N! Stop, you'll rip your stitches!" Ally rushed to me, aiding me to the couch.

I got frustrated with this.

"I can take care of myself!" I balled my fist, making Ally and the girls take a step back.

"I'm not some fragile little girl! I survived in the Forrest, with threats from all creatures! I can take care of myself!" I shouted, standing with all the strength in me.

I was slammed against the wall, the Alpha's eyes glaring into mine.

"You think you can take care of yourself? The only thing protecting you from the vampires coming here is us. Once you step foot off of our land they'll be able to smell you from miles away! So I suggest you sit your ass down right now before I do it for you!" Her face was so close to mine and her eyes went to my lips.

I pushed her off, I will not give in.

I limped to the couch, sitting with a glare on the girl.

Ally made sure I ate and was hydrated before she let Dinah loft me and bring me into her bedroom.

She laid me down, bringing the covers over me.

A sigh left my lips as I looked out the window, the moon shining bright in the night sky.

"You'll be okay, Y/N." Dinah spoke, pressing a gentle kiss to my temple.

I shut my eyes and hoped for some sleep.

This was nice, being able to sleep in a bed instead of a basement floor.
For the first time in months, I felt peaceful and safe.

I was abruptly woken up to yells.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" That was Lauren.

"She deserved it, Lauren! She deserved to be buried!" Dinah pleaded.

I got up, limping to the door.
Shit, I'm upstairs. Fuck it.

I limped down the stairs, getting caught by Lauren.

"Y/N!" There was a sharp pain in my thigh and I knew that I had ripped the stitches.

Lauren immediately caught me when I was going to fall off the last step.

"Shit! Ally! Her stitches!" I looked down to see blood soaking through my pants on my thigh.

Dinah cleared the table, letting Lauren lift me onto it with ease.

Ally immediately cut the jeans open, exposing my wound.

"It looks infected!" Dinah panicked.

"Lauren, hold her down!" I felt Ally tugging out the remaining stitches which caused me to scream out in pain and try to move her away.

Lauren immediately pinned my arms down, holding me in place, Mani going for my other leg.

I was pinned down, feeling the most excruciating pain, although I couldn't see what Ally was doing.

"She's losing too much blood!" Dinah grabbed a cloth, applying pressure to the wound.

I gripped Lauren's arm, letting the tears freely fall.

I was scared, so fucking scared.

I felt weak, and lightheaded.

"Shit shit shit! Ally, she's losing it!" Lauren panicked, watching as my eyes became hooded.

"Let her. It'll be easier to work with her." Ally spoke.

My vision went black.

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