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I was going to go visit Demi and the girls when the two girls, known as my mates stopped me.

"Y/N, you don't need to be over there, you need to be with us." Lauren spoke, making me roll my eyes.

"Lauren, she's my friend." I spoke, grabbing my phone off of the charger.

"Yeah. A friend that you had sex with. Y/N I don't trust her around you." I rolled my eyes.

"Or is it that you don't trust me around her? Lauren, you know me. What we've started does not compare to the friendship Demi and I have. We're strictly friends and I'm just trying to help her find her mate. She was desperate and in that time so was I. There was nothing to it. It was purely sex." I spoke, about to walk past them.

"Y/N, it's just... we need you, more than you think. You're our only chance at a future, a family." That's when it hit me, Camila was just like Lauren. I'm the only one who can carry.

"Well I'm not going to do anything stupid to ruin that chance, Lauren. Trust me." I spoke, looking into her eyes.

A sigh left her lips. "Okay." I nodded and walked out of the pack house, and towards Demi's place.

I smelt their scents following me, so I knew they were spying on me.


I knocked on the door of the Unbroken pack.

Perrie opened the door and squealed when she saw me.

"Holy shit! You're radiating Luna energy! You're claimed!" Perrie gushed as she looked at the mark on my neck.

"Damn, Lauren got you good." I laughed and followed her to the girls who were in the living room.

"Y/N!!!" They all crushed me in a group hug.

"Guys! I can't breathe!" I struggled to get out as all five members crushed me in a full on dog pile.

"Oops! Sorry!" They got off of me and I grabbed Demi's hand, bringing her into the woods.

"So. If we're going to do this, Demi I need you to help me." She nodded and I grabbed her hand.

"I need you to look back into your mind, every memory. Tell me about yourself." I spoke, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"How is telling you about me going to help us find my mate?" I smiled at her.

"Mates have a similar path way, they go through a life similar to you, but have the choice to make different choices." I said, making her nod.

I saw her eyes flicker to my lips and before I knew it her lips were on mine.

My hands were pinned above my head.

I quickly pushed her off, shoving her back, a little too hard.

"Demi! What the fuck?!" I shouted, wiping my lips.

Before I knew it, Lauren and Camila were by my side.

"I'm sorry, I just.... I can't stop myself!" That got me thinking.

"Lauren, Camila. Trust me with this." I got a confused face from both girls.

I kissed Demi, making both girls immediately pull us apart.

I looked into Demi's eyes, seeing a flash of blue in them.

That's all I needed to confirm my question.

"Y/N! What the hell?!" Camila shouted at me.

"You'll find out why! I have to go, now!" I laid down on the floor and used my power to go into another world.

I hoped I was in the right one.

I looked around. This kingdom was brightly lit up by the sun. Outside was a beautiful forrest.

I looked around.

"Sabrina?" I called out, looking around.

"Y/N?!" I heard her voice from outside and walked out.

She ran to me.

Tears filled my eyes. "I knew it!" I cried into her chest.

"Y/N?" I turned around to be faced with my dad.

"Papi!" I ran to him, embracing him in a hug.

"What are you doing here?! Y/N, did you..." I shook my head.

"No. I'm still alive. It's my power, Papi. I met my mates, I turned into one of them and I have the power to go into other worlds and bring people back." I said, letting him get a good look at me.

"You're so big... gosh your mom would be so proud." I looked around.

"Mami? Where's Mami?" He sighed.

"She's not here. She's stuck in her own world." I nodded.

"Im taking you both back, but first. Brina, Papi where were you buried?" I asked, looking at the two.

"I was buried in the Dusk forest." Dad spoke. I nodded and looked at Sabrina.

"I wasn't buried, my body was dropped to the bottom of Miami Beach..." I nodded.

"I can work with that. Both of you, grab my hands." They nodded and did as told.

I shut my eyes, imagining home and letting the energy spread to the two forms next to me.

I woke with a jolt. "Y/N! Don't do that!" Camila helped me up.

"I have to go to the Dusk forest! Demi bring a shovel!" I ran as fast as I could.

The girls followed and I used my powers to locate his body.

"There!" I pointed right below a large willow tree.

I took the shovel from Demi, starting to dig.

"Y/N, what are yo-" she stopped talking when she saw a coffin.

I opened it, seeing his corpse.

"Come on, come on!" I shut my eyes, using my powers to bring him back.

"Y/N!" I heard my dad's voice.

"Papi!" I hugged him.

"Come on, we have to get Brina! To Miami!" We are in Orlando, so that's not that far of a run.

I sprinted as fast as I could to the beach.

I dove off of a large rock and into the depths of the ocean.

I swam straight down, not caring about the pressure.

I searched for her body, finding it at the bottom of a trench.

I grabbed her wrist, looking up to see that we were so goddamn far from the surface.

"You can do this, Y/N. For Brina, for Demi." I thought to myself.

I swam toward the surface, losing my breath quickly.

Just as I gave up, strong arms grabbed me from the water, lifting me into the rock.

I fell into my knees, coughing up the salt water.

"Y/N!" Camila rushed to Lauren and I.

I shook my head, only worried about the corpse in front of me.

I put my hands over her chest, using the last bit of my energy to bring her back.

I fell, weak.

"Y/N!" I heard Sabrina's voice.

My eyes shut.

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