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"Y/N are you sure you're okay?" Demi smirked, knowing what just went down.

"Y-Yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom, excuse me." I said, getting glares from both Lauren and Camila as I stood up and headed to the bathroom.

When I got inside, I checked to make sure it was empty before locking the door and bringing a hand down my pants.

I fiddled with my clit, refraining from moaning out loud.

A knock came to the door. "Camila or Lauren?" I asked, receiving a small "Camila" as a reply.
I opened the door, getting shoved against the wall by Lauren.

"Psych, baby." Lauren locked the door, making me groan.

She turned me around, feeling up my back side.

She was quick to take off our bottom half of clothing and push into me.

Her hand clasped around my mouth, the other up my shirt and under my bra to grasp at my boobs.

My moans and whimpers were silenced by her hand, her fingers entering my mouth.

She thrusted into me at a fast pace, making me bite down on her fingers.

She growled lowly, nibbling on the bite on my neck which sent waves of pleasure throughout my body.

I clenched around her, my sensitivity making my release come faster.

"Ugh! Laur-" she covered my mouth with her hand, groaning as I came around her.

She helped me ride it out and I was confused as she pulled out and jacked herself off.

She came all over my panties, soaking them with her cum.

"You're going to wear those until we get home, got it?" I nodded, breathlessly as she helped me get dressed.

The feeling of her cum on my panties made me squirm.

It was wet and warm, and it made me shudder.

Lauren brought me back to the table, Demi and Dinah smirking after us as we sat down.

A small gasp left my lips as I sat down, her cum spreading all around and in my entrance.

I squirmed around and Lauren gave me a warning look.

"Jeez, Laur what did you do to her?" Camila whispered to her.

Lauren smirked. "Ask Y/N." Camila averted her eyes to me and I blushed.

I grabbed Camila's hand, bringing it into my pants to feel the mess Lauren made.

"O-oh." Her voice cracked at that.

I blushed and our food came, everyone engaging in a comfortable conversation.

Lauren gave me subtle touches throughout the meal, making me squirm and whine.

When we got home, I was forced to take off my pants and underwear to show Camila the mess Lauren made.

A blush crept its way onto my face.

Lauren bit her lip at the sight.

"Aww, baby." Camila smiled at me.

"Did Lauren make you sit with this in your pants this whole time?" I nodded, a pout on my lips.

"She's a mweanie!" I said in my baby voice, which made Lauren glare at me.

Camila kissed my lips. "Aww, my poor baby. Lets get you cleaned up." Camila lifted me up to get me into the shower and I stuck my tongue out at Lauren behind Camila's back.

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