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I panicked, knowing that we had to preform the song today and Camila helped me perfect it.

I left Camila to do some finishing touches, Lauren was out hunting.

I felt a wave of nausea come over me.

I stiffened up, hoping it would fade away.

Just as my nausea spiked, I ran into the closest bathroom, throwing up into the toilet.

Once I finished, I washed my mouth out and flushed the toilet.

"Maybe I'm sick...?" I whispered to myself.

"Whatever, I have to do this. No chickening out, I promised Camz." I nodded to myself and left the bathroom, getting a text from Selena.

Selly: We put both of your outfits in your dressing room. (Delivered)

I texted back immediately.

Me: Thanks, Sel! I'll see you there!

Lauren came inside and gave me a smile, pecking my lips before heading upstairs.

Camila and I headed upstairs, getting ready to head to the club.

Cara was here, doing our hair and makeup.

"Breathe, Y/N." She spoke, sensing my nerves as she did my makeup.

"What if I choke? What if they hate me since I can't sing?" I panicked, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"Y/N, you're never this nervous. They'll love you, they already do. Don't worry, song bird." I smiled at the nickname she gave me.

Cara is a vampire, if it isn't obvious. I helped her create her gang to be for all creatures.

"I'm sorry, I just- I'm scared, okay?" Camila looked at me, worriedly.

Camila already had her hair and makeup done.

Lauren was getting her's done as well, since she would be around us.

The thoughts clouded my mind.

"Y/N, breathe woman!" Cara shouted.

"Shit! I'm gonna puke!" Camila rushed to me.

"No you aren't. You're okay, Y/N. Deep breaths, baby. Calm down. That's it." Camila helped me calm down, grabbing my hands.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all..." Lauren spoke, looking at me.

"No, Lauren she can do this. I know she can, she's done it before." Camila rubbed the back of my hand.

"I just don't know why she's freaking out so much." I let Cara finish my hair and makeup and went into the bathroom to change.

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath.

"You can do this." I reminded myself, getting dressed into my outfit for the club, us going change in and out of our performance outfits.

" I reminded myself, getting dressed into my outfit for the club, us going change in and out of our performance outfits

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