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"Lauren, stop looking at me like that." I warned the green eyed girl as she basically eye fucked me.

"Fuck, I can't help myself...." there was a major dent in her pants as she stared at me from her seat.

"I have a performance!" I said, slapping the girl's hands off my ass.

She growled at that. "But babyyyyyy!" She whined, making me put my finger up to her lips.

"Later, watch the show." I said, standing up and I heard my cue.

I refrained from smiling as I saw Lauren's face when the sigh left my lips.

She was surprised that I knew Spanish, I guess I never explained my heritage to her.

Once the lights dimmed, the crowd cheered. So many people were here, Selena told me that people came from all around the world just to see me preform.

I got off stage and walked toward Lauren.

Her eyes were glued to me.

I sat right on her lap, her hands immediately going to my hips.

A sigh left her lips at the sensation of our bodies meeting.

I ignored the feeling of her hard member against my thigh.

"I think this is enough of an answer." She grabbed my hand, placing it over her bulge.

I nibbled on my bottom lip.

"Wanna go to the pack house?" I asked, making her smirk.

"Uh huh." She grabbed my hand and rushed me into the car where she couldn't keep herself from touching me.

There she was, driving with one hand, the other down my pants.

"Lauren!" I moaned out as she thrusted her fingers into me.

Lauren groaned at the tightness of her pants and I took her hand out of mine.

She gave me a weird look as we stopped at a red light.

That's when I unbuckled my seatbelt and unbuttoned her jeans.

"Woah, Y/N what are you- holy shit!" She cut herself off as I brought my mouth to her length.

"Shit shit shit! Y/N, stop I need to drive!" I didn't stop, she was way bigger than Demi which kinda scared me, but I am not complaining.

I took her full length into my mouth and down my throat.

"Holy fuck!" I felt the car stop and pulled away from her lower half to see us parked in an empty lot.

Lauren grabbed my face, kissing me roughly.

I was thrown into the back seat, my shirt ripped off my body along with my pants.

Lauren pulled away to pull her shirt off.

I immediately reattached our lips. The kiss was lustful, and full of need.

We didn't have much time so we got to work.

My hands immediately shot to Lauren's hair as she sucked on my clit.

"Lauren..." I moaned out, gripping at her hair.

She moaned. "God, you taste so fucking good...." she entered her tongue inside of me, making me whimper.

"L-Lauren!" She collected all she could before bringing her tip to my entrance.

She brought her lips back to mine and we shared a kiss as she pushed herself into me.

I was stretched out, more than I have ever been. I winced and she immediately stopped, looking at me to make sure I was okay.

"Y/N, baby am I hurting you?" She asked, pulling out.

I grabbed her arm. "No, just go slow." She nodded and slowly eased herself in, stopping when I gripped at her forearm.

Lauren's lips found their way to my neck, kissing and sucking on the skin.

It was hot in here, steamy to be exact.

Oh, Dinah will kill us for doing this in her car.

I froze when I realized that Lauren was fully inside of me. I looked down to see Lauren doing the same.

"Shit. That's hot..." she moaned out as she gripped my thigh.

She slowly started thrusting into me, looking at my face to see if she could find any sort of discomfort in my eyes.

Moans left my lips, matching Lauren's.

She thrusted faster, silencing my moans with her lips.

I scratched down her back, the car shaking with her hard thrusts.

I pulled away from her lips, biting down on my lip as I neared my release.

"Fuck!" She moaned out, biting down on the space where my neck and shoulder met.

A wave of pleasure shot through my body at the feeling of her teeth in my neck.

I dug my nails into her skin, clenching around her as I came undone.

She groaned loudly, shooting her load deep inside of me.

We both slumped against each other, spent.

Her lips met mine in a lazy kiss, letting me taste my blood on her lips.

I fell asleep under her, the back seat providing a comfortable enough place to sleep.

I woke up to someone carrying me up the stairs of the pack house.

"Shh, it's just me, baby." Lauren spoke, making me relax almost instantly.

She brought me into our room, laying me down and cuddling into me.

It was late, really late.

I fell asleep in her arms.

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