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"Okay, Y/N you have to be in your wolf form for the third trimester. If you aren't, it will damage your body and possibly put the pups at risk." I nodded at Ally.

I shut my eyes, shifting into my wolf form.

There I stood, getting a pat on the head from Lauren.

"Aww baby! Look at your little bump!" Camila gushed, pointing at my stomach.

My tail wagged as Lauren scratched at my side, making me flop over.

Lauren smiled. "You're just a big puppy, aren't you?" She asked, her baby voice coming out.

I got excited at that, licking all over her face.

Camila laughed, Ally feeding me some special herbs and foods to help me throughout the pregnancy.

"Y/N, no rough housing or anything like that. We need you to be completely calm for these last few months." I nodded my head, standing up and barking at Ally.

Jade came out from the woods, making me get excited.

She barked at me, running toward me. "No, Jade! Careful, she's pregnant!" Jade whined, stopping in front of me and just giving me a nibble on the ear.

I huffed, not used to Jade being so gentle.

A whine left my throat, making Ally sigh.

"I know, I know, Y/N. Just think about the pups." She said, making me lay on the grass.

Lauren and Camila helped Ally make a little den for me.

Blankets and pillows made of the den, a comfortable place for me to sleep and give birth.

I sniffed around the den, flopping over on the comfortable mound of blankets.

Ally had placed a heating pad under the blankets for when the pups come.

It was warm and cozy, I almost fell asleep then and there.

Lauren chuckled at me, laying beside me to scratch behind my ear.

"Should we be in our wolf forms, too?" Camila asked, looking at Ally.

"One of you should stay in your human form, so in case anything goes wrong you can easily help." Camila nodded and Lauren shifted into her wolf form, cuddling into me.

I'm 7 months pregnant. Two more months to go.

Everyone would stop by to check on me, bringing little gifts.

Lauren, Camila and I didn't have a wedding, we just signed some papers to make it official.

With the pups, it was either wait until they're born or not have one. Even then, the pups would need our attention 24/7, so we had to choose to not have one.

Ally soon left, leaving Camila with the countless amounts of healing herbs to feed me.

"Y/N you have to eat it." I turned away from Camila's hand that was trying today feed me.

No. It was gross. It tasted like grass, worse than grass.

"Y/N. Come on." She groaned.

Lauren licked at my snout encouragingly.

A huff left my mouth.

I got up and walked out of the den, wanting to go inside.

I scratched at the door, Camila sighing.

"Y/N. Stop being a bitch and just eat it." I growled at the nickname.

"Yes, Y/N. I called you a bitch." I turned to her, eating the herbs before flopping down next to Lauren.

"That's a good pup." She spoke, petting me.

Everyone came over, us having a barbecue get together.

Me being me, I jumped into the pool while in my wolf form, wanting attention from Demi and Sabrina who were swimming.

Demi laughed.
"Aww, you're stuck in your wolf form." She pouted at me, ruffling my fur.

I nibbled her hand, swimming toward the stairs of the pool.

Once I got out, I shook the water off my body, receiving groans from the people around me.

Lauren followed me, licking at my tail.

A growl left my throat when she tried to mount me.

"Lauren! No mating in front of everyone!" Camila scolded her.

She whined, licking at my tail.

"Oop. Horny wolfie!" Perrie laughed.

Lauren tried again, making me growl at her and pounce on top of her, warningly.

"Lauren! Stop it! At least take her into the woods if you're going to mate!" Camila scolded us.

Lauren licked at my snout, apologizing.

As everyone ate, Lauren and I stole some food from everyone. They would purposely drop some food on the floor and Lauren would let me eat it.

Once I was full I laid in my den, Lauren finishing up eating and joining me.

She licked at my stomach, watching me as I fell asleep.

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