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I woke up, feeling nauseous and I knew it wasn't some bug.

I got up, out of the death hold of both my mates and went into the bathroom.

I brought my hands over my face. "I didn't drink, so there's no way I'm hungover. It can't be a bug, they don't last this long." I thought out loud.

That's when my nausea spiked, sending me into a vomiting wave over the toilet.

I groaned, standing up when I was finished.

I flushed the toilet, brushing my teeth.

I looked into the mirror, my eyes over my stomach.

"What?" I asked myself, lifting my shirt to reveal a slight bump to my stomach.

That's when it hit me.

"Holy shit!" A knock came to the door.

"Y/N, you okay in there?" I heard Camila ask.

"Uh, yeah! I'm fine." I spoke, trying my best to hide the tremble in my voice.

I looked at my stomach.

I looked to already be a few months along.

Ally. She's a healer. I need to go see Ally.

I dropped my shirt, it wasn't that visible.

I left the bathroom, seeing both girls awake.

"Baby. Come cuddle." Lauren made grabby hands at me.

I was tempted, but stopped myself when the thought her her feeling the bump filled my mind.

"I wish I could, baby. But I have to go see Ally. She made a cake for us!" I smiled, the excuse rolling off of my tongue like a second language.

Lauren smiled. "Okay, baby! Bring me back a few of her cookies, please!" I nodded and pecked both of their lips before leaving our house and going to Ally and Shawn's house.

Yeah, we made Shawn room with Ally. None of us wanted to give up the privacy with our mates.

I knocked and Ally was, thankfully baking.

"Ally! Hurry! I need your help!" I said, rushing in and shutting the door behind me.

"Y/N, what is it? I'm baking." I nodded, lifting my shirt to show her my bump.

"I-I think I'm pregnant, Allz." Her eyes grew wide.

"Oh my god! Y/N!" She kneeled to be face to face with my bump, placing her hands on it.

"I'll have to take out my ultrasound equipment to be sure." I nodded and she rummaged through her closet for a bit.

"Go lay on the couch, I'll be right there!" I did as told, laying on the couch.

She returned with some equipment, a screen laid out in front of us.

"Okay, just lift your shirt, Y/N." I did as told, watching her as she opened a tube of what I assumed was gel.

She turned on the device. "This might be a little cold." I nodded and she gently pressed the device over my stomach, moving it around to get a clear image of what was inside.

A smile spread on her lips. There was four little blobs in the picture, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"You see those, Y/N/N?" I nodded as she pointed to the blobs.

"Those are babies, pups to be exact." Four. Four babies.

"Holy shit." I spoke, staring at the screen.

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