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It's been two months and 3 weeks, me yet to have given birth.

Ally started feeding me things to help the birth happen quicker.

So here I was, everyone crowded around me waiting for the moment of the birth.

I rested my head on a pillow, laying in my den.

"Nothing." Ally sighed.

"It's been three weeks, I'm starting to worry." Ally spoke, rubbing my stomach.

I had been receiving increasing pains all day, but they weren't intense.

That's when they started to come more frequently, the pain growing.

A whimper left my lips as I shut my eyes, Ally's head snapping to me.

"I think that was a contraction." Ally spoke, looking at my expressions.

Lauren's tail started to wag.

After a few minutes another one came, Ally timing them.

Whimpers left my lips. "It's happening, guys." Ally spoke, using her equipment to check on the pups.

I got up, immediately regretting it when a pain shot down my back.

Lauren immediately pushed me to lay down, licking at my back.

"Relax, Y/N." The pain was uncomfortable, making me squirm around.

Whimpers left my lips, the pain becoming stronger.

That's when I felt a wetness between my legs, I looked down, tilting my head.

"That's your water. They're coming, Y/N." Lauren's tail wagged rapidly as she licked at my snout.

Ally gave me some milk to drink, knowing it would give me some energy.

I then felt the urge to push, looking down between my legs.

"Y/N, push when you feel you have to. Trust yourself." Ally spoke, making me whine.

"You can do it, Mama. We're all here for you." Camila spoke, petting my head.

I started to push, scratching at the blankets at the pain.

Lauren licked at my back legs, encouraging me to keep going.

I pushed again, watching as a patch of black and white fur was seen under the sack.

Ally helped me, guiding the pup out and removing the sack from around it.

Lauren was quick to lick at the pup, Ally cutting the umbilical cord.

Small whimpers filled the air, the pup squirming around.

Ally cleaned the pup up. "It's a girl." Ally spoke, setting the pup next to my stomach.

The pup found its way to me, finding a nipple to latch onto.

The pup was a mix of Lauren and I, her fur matching both of ours.

I felt the urge to push, whining at the pace this was going. My body was urging me on, but I wasn't ready. I was already exhausted and panting.

"When you're ready, Y/N." Ally spoke.

I started pushing, Ally helping me once again.

Brown and black fur was seen, a spitting image of Camila's wolf.

Ally quickly got the pup out of the sack, cleaning it up.

Camila was crying as she gazed at the pups, Dinah, Perrie, and Demi filming.

I took deep breaths, Lauren licking at my snout.

I rested for a few minutes, drinking some water that Ally offered me.

Camila was quick to move the pups when I squirmed around.

There were two female pups.

I started pushing once again, a patch of pitch black fur being seen.

The first male was born.

Ally smiled. "A boy." She announced.

Two more. Two more pups. I can do this.

I pushed with all I had in me, an all brown wolf being born, male.

That's when I was on the last pup. Once she was out, everyone gasped. She was grey, her fur matching Demi's.

Lauren was furious, Camila a bit confused.

The pups were all latched onto a nipple, drinking from me.

Lauren shifted into her human form, grabbing Demi by the ear and dragging her outside, once she was dressed.

I fell asleep, the pups as close as possible to me.

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