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Lauren's POV
I woke up to the two beauties beside me.

I smiled, admiring both of them. My mates.

God, I love that word.

I looked at the sheets to see blood on them, that made me freak out.

I looked at Y/N immediately, checking her body.

That's when my eyes flickered to the bite wound on her throat, the sun tattoo on her collarbone.

A sigh of relief left my lips. It was just a claiming bite.

Thank god.

I woke up groaning, the soreness between my legs was no comparison to the pain from the bite on my neck.

There was no way I could cover that.

I sat up, seeing Lauren already looking at me.

I blushed, the sheets covering my nude body.

"You okay, baby? I was pretty rough..." she asked, rubbing my arm.

"I'm okay, Lolo. The bite hurts worse." I said, sitting up more and letting the sheets fall off my body.

I turned to Camila. "Cami, Camz wake up." I shook her to no avail.

A groan left my lips.

Lauren laughed.

"Watch this." I stood up, letting the sheets fall off my body.

"Camz! I'm gonna eat your bananas!" Nothing.

"Hmm, that usually works." I said.

Lauren got up, wrapping her arms around my nude body.

"Camz! I'm gonna fuck your girl!" Lauren shouted, making Camila shoot up.

"Y/N's mine!" I blushed brightly, burying my face into Lauren's neck.

"Ours, Camila. Ours." Camila nodded.

"Right, ours." She yawned and stretched before following us to the shower.
We showered, washing each other.
Lauren gasped, making me turn around to see her.

Camila gave Lauren pleading eyes.

"Camz! Oh my god, babe turn around!" Lauren turned me around.

"Camila!" Camila blushed.

"I was marking my territory..." she said, nervously.

"You didn't have to mark her that much!" Lauren traced her fingers over my back.

"What? What is it?" I asked, opening the shower curtain and get a look in the mirror.

There sat many hickies on my back in the shape of a heart.

"Karla Camila Cabello-Estrabao!" I shouted, glaring at the girl.

"I'm sorry, babe!" I growled at her, slamming her against the shower wall.

"Woah woah woah, Y/N!" Lauren tried to pry me off of Camila.

She stopped when she saw how I bit into Camila's neck, claiming her.

A loud moan left Camila's lips. I licked up the blood leaking from the wound, sucking on the bite mark.

I pulled away when Camila was hard against my thigh.

"Take care of it on your own, Cabello." I spoke, looking at the tattoo on the other side of her neck.

It was a star.

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