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I had just gotten out of the shower with my two girlfriends.

"No, Lauren. I refuse to have sex without a condom." I spoke, getting dressed.

"Oh, come on Y/N! It doesn't feel the same...." she whined, grabbing at my hips.

"No, Lauren." I said, pulling away.

She huffed, watching me get dressed.

I went downstairs to find Camila making breakfast.

"Y/N/N!" I smiled, lifting Kelsea up.

"Hi, my little princess!" I twirled her around, receiving little giggles from the girl.

I looked to see Hayley and Stefanie about to walk in, their feet covered in mud.

"Nah ah ah, I don't think so missies. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I said, setting Kelsea down and hosing the girls off outside before letting them in.

I looked to see Camila looking at me, a glint in her eyes.

"What?" I chuckled, looking at her.

"You're so good with them." She spoke, making me blush.

I set the table, sitting the kids down before helping Camila serve them.

Halsey smiled, sitting beside her kids.

Lauren joined us, us all starting to eat.

A knock came to the door.
"I'll get it." I spoke, standing up.

I walked over to the door, opening it today we Shawn.

"Hey, what's up Shawnie boy?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"Well I, I sorta felt the mate bond and it lead me here..." he spoke, scratching the back of his neck.

He looked over my shoulder, locking eyes with Halsey.

"Ooh, this should be interesting." I said, smirking as I let him in.

"Halsey, meet Shawn. Shawn, meet Halsey." I said, introducing the two.

I smirked. "U-Uh do you want to stay with me?" He asked, making Halsey laugh.

"If you have room for four." She said, gesturing to her kids.

Shawn smiled. "So happens that I do." Of course Halsey moved in with him and Ally.

That's adorable.

"I bring people together!" I spoke, clapping my hands.

Once Lauren, Camila and I finished eating I helped them clean up.

"Our pack is growing." Lauren spoke, making me smile.

"it sure is." I said, pecking her lips.

We spent the rest of the day on the couch, cuddling until it came to dinner time.

We got dressed and met everyone at the address that Selena gave us.

It was this fancy restaurant that was huge!

I walked in, seeing Selena sitting at a table with everyone.

"Hey, Sel!" I smiled, walking over to them.

"There's our superstar!" I laughed, sitting with my mates at the end of the table.

We all ordered and got stuck in a conversation.

"Well, Y/N has something to tell you guys." Ally spoke, making me blush.

"I'm pregnant!" I announced, making them all cheer.

"Lucky ass!" Demi gushed.

"Brina and I have been trying for a baby!" She pouted, making Sabrina shove her shoulder.

"Babe! Don't ruin Y/N's moment!" Sabrina spoke, glaring at her mate.

"Aww, Demz. I'm sorry." I spoke, reaching across the table to grab her hand.

She sighed.

"Anyways. Have you guys met Halsey?" I asked, turning my attention to the girl with her three children.

"Halsey is Shawn's mate." I spoke.

Everyone introduced themselves and I smiled.

This was fun.

"Papi, how is it in Miami?" I asked my father, referring to the job he just got, a few hours away.

"It's amazing! I get to do what I love and get paid!" I smiled, sipping my water.

"So, Y/N. Since everyone at my club loves you, I was wondering if you, Camila, and Lauren would do something together." I smiled at her.

"That could be fun, but it's up to Lo and Camz." I said, looking at my mates.

"Yeah, that seems fun. I'm in!" Camila spoke, looking at Lauren.

"Yeah, me too! Anything to make my girls happy!" She said, making me smile.

Mani and Dinah began to talk about how they met a girl that looks exactly like Beyoncé.

Lauren cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, guys?" She stood up, Camila following.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We have something to say." Camila spoke, fiddling with her fingers.

"Y/N is the mother of our children, our mate. We love her with all of our heart and we wouldn't want to spend the rest of our lives with anyone else. So, let's save the sappy shit." Lauren spoke, pulling out a ring.

"Y/N, will you marry us?" Gasps filled the air.

Tears filled my eyes. "You're serious?" They both nodded.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" I asked, looking around.

"No, you better answer them before I do. Look at that ring!" Dinah gushed, receiving a punch to the shoulder by Mani.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I said, hugging both of them.

Cheers filled the air, Lauren slipping the ring onto my finger.

I received kisses from both girls, making me smile.

We sat back down, everyone engaging in a conversation about the wedding.

I looked at Lauren when she grabbed my hand, Camila doing the same with my other.

"I love you."
"I love you."

I smiled at them.

"I love you, too." I spoke, blushing at the way they looked at me.

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