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We had gone home, me with Demi since Lauren said she had some Alpha stuff to do.

I undressed and hopped into the shower, washing the scent of sweaty creatures off my body.

That was when arms wrapped around my waist.

I jumped.
I turned around to see a very nude Demi.

"Demi! You scared the hell out of me!" I said, slapping her shoulder.

"Ouch! I'm sorry!" That's when my eyes traveled down to her thighs.

What I was expecting to be a female part was replaced with a penis. A very large one at that.

Demi doesn't know about me being Lauren's mate. Which to her, meant that I'm still free for the taking.

"You like what you see?" She asked, letting her hands roam my body.

Demi needed this, I know she did.

But Lauren....
Demi brought her lips to mine, pushing me up against the wall.

Lauren would be pissed.
But we aren't anything.... just friends...

I threw my head back as Demi brought her hand down and in between my legs.

A soft moan left my lips as she touched me, her hand working skillfully in the space, most intimate.

She lifted my leg, looking at me as she got on her knees.
"Dem- fuck!" I cursed out as she brought her mouth to my clit.

My fingers tangling into her raven locks.

The water ran down our bodies, making the scene that much more steamy.

I looked down at Demi, locking eyes as she stuck her tongue inside of me.

I gripped her shoulders, shutting my eyes immediately at the pleasure I was feeling.

Moans spilt from my lips at the pleasurable feeling she was giving me.

This was a one time thing for me, no feelings attached and it was just a quick fuck.

I opened my eyes immediately when I felt her push her tip inside of me.

"I'll pull out." She groaned out as she eased herself into me.

I bit down on her shoulder blade, feeling her stretch me out.

This felt wrong, the act did. But the way she was making me feel.... it felt so good.

She thrusted into me slowly, turning me around and bending me over against the shower wall.

She attached her lips to my neck, gripping my hips as she thrusted into me.

I dried my body off with my towel.
"We should do that again." Demi spoke, looking me up and down.

"This was a one time thing, Demi. No, it can't." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Just because you're not my mate, doesn't mean we can't, simply fuck." I sighed, regretting what we did as soon as we stopped.

Lauren is gonna freak....

I started getting dressed.

She pressed herself up against my ass.

A groan left my lips. "Come on, baby." She spoke, placing a hand on my thigh that was fully healed.

I almost gave in.

I looked at her through the mirror. "Demi no. Stop it." I said, pushing her away and finishing up getting dressed.

She growled, getting dressed as well.

"Y/N, why won't you just give in?! Is there something you're not telling me?" She growled out, once fully dressed.

I walked out, downstairs to meet the girls.

"Y/N! Do not walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" She grabbed my wrist.

"I'm Lauren's mate, Demi! There! I said it!" I spoke, pulling away from Demi.

Her mouth flew open, eyes wide.

"Shit.... I fucked Lauren's mate..." I nodded.

"Yeah. You did." I said, putting my hands over my face.

"Wait, what?! You fucked?! Demi, she'll kill you!" The girls panicked.

"We can't tell her about this, okay?! All of you, shut the fuck up!" I shouted, warning looks from the girls.

"I'll figure this out, okay? Lauren and I are just friends right now. We haven't even started a relationship or anything, strictly friends." I said, sighing.

"No one is to mention this to anyone. Got that? If I hear one of you spread the word, I won't hesitate to shoot a silver bullet through your heart." I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

"I didn't mean that. Shit, what's happening to me?!" I said, putting my hands over my face.

"It's all the stress, Y/N... you just need take a deep breath and relax, okay?" I nodded at Jade.

"How about a day at the beach?" Jesy asked.

"Yeah. That sounds nice." I said and we all got ready.

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