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17 year old, Jeon Jungkook, slammed his car door shut before locking his vehicle. Stuffing his keys into his back pocket while moving in the direction of his new school. Was he excited? No. Why? Because he was bound to move again in maybe a month or so. That's how things went. His parents jobs' were the main reason behind it. Traveling from one school to the next. It seemed like a never ending cycle to him. At least he only had one year left of high school.

Getting attached to people became a problem as it only shattered his heart into a million pieces. So, he would constantly tell himself to just stay away from people. As long as he avoided interacting with others, he'd be just fine.

He kept his mask up with his bag slung over one shoulder. Walking towards the front office. Pulling open the door and going inside. Ignoring the odd stares from others as he stopped in front of the white, marble counter. An elderly lady averted her attention to him with a soft smile dancing upon her lips. Pushing her round glasses up to the bridge of her nose.

"How can I help you young man?" She asked. Jungkook lowering his mask, answering her.

"I'm new." He put it simply. The lady nodding as she typed away on the computer. Glancing up at him every now and then.


"Jeon Jungkook."

She then printed out the males schedule. Handing him a map of the high school before taking the paper out of the printer, handing it to the raven haired boy.

"You still have 20 minutes before class starts so, take your time." Was all she said as he then exited the plain room.

He didn't bother readjusting his mask as he strolled down the hall. In search for his locker. Passing by students giving him either judgmental looks or heart eyes. Neither one affected him so, it didn't really matter what people thought of him because he just didn't care.


He thought to himself. Stopping in front of the said locker number. Twisting in the combination. Hearing the all too familiar click and pulling it open.

Placing whatever he didn't need inside. Closing it shut afterwards, making sure it was locked.

He was about to leave when he felt a sudden presence behind him.

Jungkook turned around to be met with a boy who seemed to be around a centimeter taller than him.

Curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. A simple grey t-shirt with ripped, black jeans. A curious expression written all over his face. Jungkook could immediately tell that this male was one of the popular students. But he didn't give a damn about status.

Jungkook arched an eyebrow. Motioning for the brunette to speak instead of wasting his time by standing there.

"New here?" He asked. Earning a slight nod from Jungkook.

"Kim Taehyung!" A female shouted, Jungkook flinching from her tone. "Oh, my bad. I didn't mean to startle you." She pat Jungkooks' shoulder before glaring daggers at the male supposedly named Taehyung.

He sighed dramatically. "What did I do now Jordan?"

"You promised you wouldn't mess with anyone. Especially the new students."

"Oh my god, I haven't even done anything!" He looked over at the frozen boy. "Did I?"

Jungkook shook his head lightly, highly confused.


"Yeah whatever." She turned to look over at the boy.

"Hi! My name's Jordan Kim and this is my idiotic, younger, twin brother, Kim Taehyung." She smiled sweetly, her brother rolling his eyes. "And you are?" She added.

"Jeon Jungkook.... Uhm... I need to go now... sorry..." He walked away from the two, leaving them there puzzled as they watched him scurry away.

Taehyung looked over at his sister. "He's probably just shy." She said and he nodded, thinking the same thing.


It was finally lunch time. Giving Jungkook the chance to relax from the amount of stress these weird people where giving him. Not only did he have to introduce himself in first period, but he had to do that in every single class. Meaning, he'll have to do it again right after lunch. His anxiety starting to build up just by thinking about it.

He took a bite of his sandwich. Sitting in the back of the cafeteria, minding his own business. Going through Instagram when his peace was suddenly ruined.

Two figures approached his table and sat down beside him. One on his left, and the other on his right. And he had no idea who they were.

At first, he thought of that male and his sister from this morning, but oh was he wrong the minute he laid his eyes on the two girls drooling over him.

[ a/n

Hii! I hope you guys liked my new story. Please correct me in the comments if I made any grammatical errors or if I need to change anything. I would really appreciate it! 😊 ]

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