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It was Saturday afternoon. The 9 teenagers decided to go to the mall and hangout for the rest of the day until they had to head back to the house and get ready for their dinner reservation which was at 7.


"Yah! Put that basketball back where it belongs Kim Taehyung! Park Jimin, don't encourage him!!" Jordan shouted at the two males. Ella began to laugh her ass off beside her new best friend. Holding onto her stomach from laughing so hard. A bunny smile on Jungkook's face as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

Namjoon shook his head while Jin placed his hands on his hips. Yoongi and Hoseok were laughing along and messing around with the two younger boys.

"Yah, you guys better stop before we get kicked out." Ella whipped away her tears with a grin.

"I think we are, look." Jimin pointed towards the pair of employees moving in their direction.


Taehyung grabbed Jungkook by the hand and ran out of the arcade with the others trailing behind them.

The employees shouted and chased after them before quickly giving up and heading back to the arcade.

The teenagers laughed as they ran. Rushing past passerby's who gave them judgmental looks, but none of them cared.

They exited the mall and stopped right outside the entrance. Panting heavily and smiling from the sudden rush adrenaline. 

Taehyung watched as Jungkook's eyes twinkled with glee. His dark brown doe eyes taking everything in.

"That was so much fun!!" Jungkook bounced up and down.

Taehyung's chest warmed, but ignored the feeling. Turning his head away from the happy boy, glancing at everyone else. "We should head back to the house. It's already 6:40." He looked down at his watch "We need to get ready." He added.

"Alright, I'm leaving with Jordan and Namjoon, bye~!" Ella grabbed the two said individuals and ran into the parking lot, disappearing from everyone else's sight.

Jimin and Hoseok left together while Seokjin dragged Yoongi away. Leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone, again.


Jungkook sat in the passenger seat silently. Staring out the window from the awkward silence. Fiddling with his fingers, not knowing what to say to the boy on his left.

"So....." Taehyung broke the silence, glancing at the boy on his right. "Is there a song you want to put on?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded. "If you don't like it, then tell me and I'll change it..." He plugged in the aux cord and began searching for the specific song.

The song began to play and Taehyung's eyes widened. "Holy crap, I know this song!"

"Wake in a sweat again. Another day's been laid to waste... in my disgrace." Jungkook began to sing, using his phone as a microphone while Taehyung jammed along.

"Stuck in my head again. Feels like I'll never leave this place. There's no escape."

"I'm my own worst enemy."

"I've given UPPPP!!" Jungkook shouted. Taehyung laughed from his sudden tone.

The duo smiled as they continued singing their favorite song for the rest of their short car ride back to the house.

Saying they were having fun is an understatement. They were having the time of their lives.


Word Count: 540
Updates: Every Tuesday

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