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Katsuki was at the Yaoyorozu Mansion serving his beignets as the others danced as music played in the background. All the drinks were being hogged by two people. He thought that maybe he would see the whole group there but. One was missing... he didn't think much of it so he went on. Momo's dog was trying to get his beignets. "Hey! Stella no you may not have them. Stay away. Shoo these are for people not dogs" she gave him the puppy eyes and he just couldn't say no. "Your lucky I'm giving this to you" Izuku was having a problem as one of the girls in the ball kept on asking him to dance with her. "I uh... Later?" "You said that 2 hours ago!" "W-well I Uh... hey Kacchan?" Katsuki groaned and went to help him. "Hey thot. If he doesn't want to dance with you, he doesn't want to dance with you. Now take your fake chest and move on!" He sighed and looked at the poor cinnamon roll. "Thanks!" "Tch" he went back to serving people as Izuku just stayed near him.

Just then, all music stopped and the announcer spoke Into the megaphone saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Her Royal Highness, Princess (Y/N)!" Izuku looked at you and had blush on his face (hey! This is a Bakugou x Reader!). The second you saw him you thought that he'd make a great dance partner. So you went up to him and asked, "may I have this dance" "uh...." Izuku couldn't function properly. "I will take that as a yes" your (L/FC) (least favorite color) dress was swaying as the two of you danced along.  Bakugou felt just a tinge of Jealousy as he saw that you have chosen him to dance with you when early today you went up to him and flirted with him.

But what could he do about it? He was a servant at the ball not a guest. So he just watched the two of you dancing. A light was shining on the two of you as you danced to the beautiful music in the background. When he was able to look at Katsuki, he smiled and pointed at you. Katsuki rolled his eyes and looked away only to be met with the faces of the twins that sold him the old Sugar mill. "Good event Bakugou," they both said at the same time. "Oh! Hello there Hitachiin brothers" "delicious Beignets!" Exclaimed Kaoru. "They are going to be the house special when I open up my restaurant!" "Mhm... about that," began Kaoru. "You've been outbid," finished Hikaru. Katsuki's happiness and excitement turned into sadness and confusion.

"What do you mean outbid?" He asked wanting to understand and know more. "Well someone came in and brought us the full amount of money in cash! Unless you can top his offer by Wednesday, you and your little dream will be gone," explained Hikaru. "Do you understand how hard it was to save all of that money! I had to get less food and less new clothing for myself and my mom!" "Exactly! You struggle to much. And you can't seam to get farther than a bartender and a waiter. So how do expect to run a whole restaurant?" Asked Kaoru. "We'll see ya later!" Said the two of them at the same time. "Hey! The two of you come back here!" But they didn't listen to him they just kept eating beignets. He got furious. Not paying any attention to his surroundings, he slipped on a beignet that fell on the floor, fell into his stations table and made a big mess on the floor and himself.

Momo and her father came in to check how he was doing and saw that he wasn't doing to well. "My what happened Bakugou?" She helped him up. "Don't worry we will give you something. Father you don't mind letting Bakugou barrow one of your suits right?" "No not at all" and so they went into his fathers room and he got changed into a white suit. When he was done, he went onto the balcony and gave a mean look at that star. "You said that my wish would come true! You said..." tears began to form in his eyes. He looked to his right and once again saw a frog. He sighed. "Let me guess, a kiss huh?" He said jokingly. "You know... a kiss sounds kinda nice," replied the frog. He screamed and ran back into the room. "Hey hey hey hey! Don't be scared. It is princess (Y/N)!" He smashed you with a book. "-Of Maldonia" he then realized that it was the princess that flirted with you.

"Wait a second... if your the princess. THEN THE FUCK WAS THAT DANCING WITH DEKU?!!!" "All you need to know is that it wasn't me. Hey! The Frog prince!" You said as you pointed at the book he was holding. You where somehow able to get it from his hands and got to the page where the princess kissed the frog. "Yes yes! You Need to kiss me" he made a tch sound as he looked away. "Yeah right!" You puckered up. "What am I getting out of this? I mean I could possibly get salmonella. "I could pay for anything you want" he gave it a thought. "Even that restaurant I want" "yes!" "You sure you can top that bid?" "YES NOW SHUT UP AND KISS ME!" And so he did just that. But what happened wasn't what he wanted to happen. "AHHH!!!!" you looked down and saw what happened. "Hey! Calm down everything is going to be fine" "FINE?!! This is worse than salmonella! I'm a frog and I'm all slimy and disgusting and I don't look handsome anymore!!!" "Ok ok. First of all, it's not slime it's mucus. And second of all, FEEL MY PAIN! I was beautiful but then I met this guy and he turned me Into this." He sighed. "First my restaurant became a shattered dream and now I'm a frog. Could this evening get any worse?"

He didn't know that it indeed could. TBC 1031 words

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now