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After a long sigh. Papa Odie decided to try another attempt. "If you guys are set on becoming human. There's only one way. He chanted into his gumbo and out appeared Izuku sleeping holding a pillow. Katsuki had a perplexed look on his face. "Deku? But that nerd isn't a prince!" "Hush up and look at the gumbo" in the vision the three of you saw Toshinori hand Izuku a crown for a prince. "Since he doesn't have children and nominated him to join him. It makes him a 'technically' prince". "So it still counts?" Asks Katsuki. "It does. But only until midnight when Mardie Graz is over". So the two of you will become human once again when (Y/N) kisses Izuku. "Does that do it for me to???" Papa Odie looked at him. "You look a little deeper and then you can. Either that or you gotta wait until the shadows leave New Orleans. The shadows are what fuel, and give power to the Shadow man known as Shigaraki. That's the only thing that keeps you like this. But they can take it away from him. Anyways go go! It's a long way to New Orleans!"

The 4 of you got onto a boat. When Kirishima got there he began to hum along with the melody that was playing on the boat. You guys saw Shadows and it looked like the men were aiming with guns. Everyone panicked and Kirishima stuck his head onto a pipe that helps out with the air conditioning. When that didn't work he somehow got into the shape of a box. When the three men passed by with animal costumes. When they saw Kirishima, they thought that he was wearing a costume as well. So they stretched out his skin without knowing it was skin.

"Wow! That is an amazing costume! Say, can you play the trumpet? Most of our songs doesn't need the banjo" Kirishima was filled with joy when he heard it. He went running off to join the gentleman with their music. The three of you watched him happily play his banjo as he skipped with joy. You and Bakugou were hugging each other and when he left you two separated, creating an awkward moment. Denki came closer, "guys we can't miss this! Kirishima's gonna play with the big boys!" And he flew off with you joining him.

You realized that Katsuki wasn't coming. "Bakugou? You coming?" "Oh yeah... yeah... I'll catch up with your guys later alright!" You shot him a kind smile and hopped off to join Denki. Katsuki looked down and saw a couple of things that could be used to make a makeshift engagement ring.

Once he was done making it. Bells were chiming on the boat. He put the ring in a walnut shell and sighed. He looked up at the sky with a concerned face and said. "Evangeline, why can't I just look at (Y/N) in the eyes and say, 'I will do whatever it takes! To make all your dreams come true because... because I love you'?" He finished it with one knee on the floor while opening the walnut to reveal the makeshift ring. Denki saw everything but the beginning and got the wrong idea. "Woah woah woah cap! Are you proposing to my girl?!" "Wait!" Katsuki put his hand to stop the small firefly. "That's tight! Put out your hands up and fight me!" "No dunse face! I'm not in love with some star I'm in love with (Y/N)!" Then Denki stopped throwing fists and had a smile on his face. That ticked off Katsuki.

"Hehehehehe OH! I knew it I knew it I knew it! Come over here!" "No!" He tried everything to stop him but Denki found a way to kiss him on the cheek. "Ugh! That was gay. I can't let her marry Izuku. He never even deserved her in the first place!" "You'll he so happy together!" "I'll buy the restaurant and have her run it with me! It's like a dream come true. It's even better than running by myself." "Your gonna have the cutest little tadpoles!" "Were not actual frogs night light" "then I will only have one job" "I cannot wait to tell her!" But before he flew away he grabbed him and made him stay quiet.

"No no no. It's gonna be a surprise. And I'm gonna tell her. Alone!" "Alright" a little bit of time later and he was done and befriended a butterfly while he was at it. "So where are you taking me?" "Oh just a small little place nothing special just... a little dinner to celebrate our last night together as frogs" when you saw what he did. You couldn't help but be amazed. He got a table and small little bits of food. It's was just diced vegetables nothing special. "Oh... this is so sweet. Who knew mister ticking bomb over here had a soft spot for me? This is so cute I can't help but UWU to it" when you looked at him he had a butterfly on his froggy chest that was white. You couldn't help but giggle at how ridiculous he looked.
"It's too much huh?" "Yeah way too much" "you can leave now" "no prob! Good luck" and the butterfly flew away. "Pretend you didn't see anything and take a seat."

899 words

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now