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I... I literally just. Thank you 🥺👉👈💞💘🥺!!!! You guys are just so... I love all of ya'll. Thank you! This is actually the most reads any of my books have ever gotten! So this book just broke the record! And I'm so sorry that I had left so suddenly so... in exchange of this. I'll give you the ending chapters of this book! Hope you enjoy!

You sat down and the scenery around was so romantic. And you decided to ruin it.
"You know. What's funny is that I have dated so many men and..." Katsuki looked at you with a disapproved face. "Ok so like One or two... maybe three... other guys! And so listen. None of them have ever done something as amazing as this... I don't deserve you" he looked at you and said, "you listen here. You have no idea, of the value that you have in my eyes!" As he said that he was trying to grab the walnut shell they held the makeshift ring. "(Y/N) I..." right when he was about to Open it, he got nervous. So he changed the subject and found the building that he was going to make his restaurant.

"Hey look! That's the building! The building where I'm gonna have my restaurant!" You joined him to the edge of the boat. "Wait so that's, the building?" "Yeah! It's gonna be all lit up like the fourth of July" "yeah and Jazz! So loud people outside of the building will be able to hear it!" "It should be classical music like Mozart or Beethoven, Tchavotski" (someone please fix that for me) "yeah but don't be so uptight! Loosen it up! It's New Orleans we're talking about here!" "You know someone who knows how to play Jazz? A good Ukulele player?" You don't want me to play there do you?" He laughed. That was kind of the first time you've ever seen him smile. And his laugh made you want to smile.

"Then Imma just ask the Owner if it's ok if we have some violin jazz... owner says yes" you laughed and he like it. "And the best part of it is that... people from all over the world are gonna want to eat at my restaurant. Just to eat some of our food and listen to our music..." that got you smiling. "Our?" That got Bakugou uncomfortable so he said, "what? N-no I was taking about my, my dad" that took the smile off of your face. "Me and him. That's our dream! We've always wanted to open our own restaurant." "Oh." "Yeah... sadly he passed away before he could see our dream become reality." That made you feel pity for him. You had parents but... you never really wanted to spend much time with them. And he had parents but... he got one of them taken away.

"But, maybe our dream will finally happen tomorrow with your help" "Wait a second tomorrow?" "Well you see, I have to pay it by tomorrow and beat the bet. Or else it won't happen and someone else is gonna have it" you once again, felt sorry for him. "But it's not like I would really car because. (Y/N) I love..." you looked at him in anticipation. "I love the way how... you don't really worry and is always happy. Even when the world really hits you hard" you smiled at the compliment. "It makes me wanna be like you." "Well Bakugou. I love the way that you light up whenever you talk about your dream that's so beautiful. I'm gonna make sure that I make it happen" he smiled. The boat hooted, signaling that it's passengers can now get off.

Katsuki went to go get the guys and. You stood there, confused about your feelings towards him. You couldn't tell if you loved him. Then you remembered what Papa Odie taught you and you decided to fallow your heart.

So you decided to go and fallow him. But right when you about to jump, a shadow had gotten a hold of you and took you back with Shigiraki and Toga.

~~𝕋𝕠𝕘𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕜𝕦~~

"Hey (Y/N)-Chan! Are you done getting ready? You don't want to be late for our wedding. I know you said that your feeling Ill and that's why you've stayed here up until today but we gotta get married today and we don't wanna be late for our wedding at the Mardi Gras" he began to get nervous. "Uh... just a moment darling! I need to get finished up" "oh ok... we'll be waiting at the car!" And he left. "Oh no! I'm done for!" Shigiraki threw one of his hands at Toga. "Hey that hurt!" "Your not the one that's done for I AM! Until we get that frog back we're-" and then the shadows came back with you in their hands.

They threw you and Shigiraki caught you. He cackled. "We're doing great!" He kept cackling as he handed you to Toga. "Toga!" "Hehehe! Hold still your highness" and she drew blood from your finger and you watched as she transformed into you.


Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now