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Katsuki watched as his fathers old car pulled up the drive way to his home. "He was one hard working man... double shifts so that he could support you and your family" Katsuki missed those days. His heart felt warm as he heard his dad calling his mom. It wasn't easy for immigrants. "He never told anyone and dare showed them just how tired he really was." Younger Katsuki called for his father as he showed him an All Might figure that Mitsuki bought him.

"It's a shame that all of his hard work only got you and your family a busted old Gumbo Pot as well as a dream that never left the back porch." He saw as his neighbors ate the Gumbo that him and his Father made. "But you! You can make all of your guys dreams come true! Everything you ever wanted... Come on Katsuki, your almost there". Katsuki's hands were falling but he stopped it when he said. "My old man never got what he wanted. But he had what he needed!" And his lifted up the Hayacall out of Shigiraki's reach. "He has love! He never ever lost sight of who he truly was and what was really important in the real world!"

His grip on the Hayacall tightened as he pushed back Shigaraki as he walked closer to him. "Easy now! That's real fragile!" "And you know what... NEITHER WILL I!" And he dropped it. But before it hit the ground, Shigiraki's shadow caught it and handed it back to him. He cackled it. "You really are stupid you know that." The illusion faded away and he turned back into a frog. Shigiraki put his cane right on his chest threatening to stab him with it. "Now your gonna spend the rest of your days as a slimy disgusting Frog." Katsuki gave his signature smirk and said, "it's not slime it's mucus!" And he extended his frog tongue and with that he got the Hayacall back. He took it and smashed it. Magic spewed out of it and he ran. Shigiraki held it with shaky hands and his worst nightmare came true.

He could hear them singing already as their voices got closer. "No! I can't pay back my debt I'm dead!" Their faces came out of the stone that was surrounding him. "Friends! Pals!" "Are ya ready?". They came closer and shigaraki backed up with his hands up, fear evident on his face. "No I'm not ready!" Desperate he tried reasoning with them," I've got lots more plans! So many more!" His voodoo dolls came marching in asking him, "are ya ready?" He covered his face in fear. "This is just a minor setback in a much bigger operation!" The dolls came out from the ground breaking the cement that was there asking him, "Are ya Ready?" He screamed and begged for mercy.Katsuki watched as the head hantcho, Dark Shadow, appeared and pulled him in, to join him down in Hell. Now his face shall forever remain anonymous for his fathers hand fallowed him to his grave. His face now party of a tomb.

The bell Tolled, signaling that it was 11:40 pm.
The streets were left empty as people had already left to their houses, for the event had ended. Izuku was knocking on the door to the room where "you" and you disappeared to. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)-Chan?" He was worried, so he kicked the door down and saw Toga in there, still wearing the wedding dress that her figure couldn't fill without the Hayacall. "Hello Izu..." he remembered her and screamed. She also screamed and ran for she knew how hideous she looked without her disguise. (I'm just joking it's for the sake of the book. I think Toga is a rocking those hair buns and she is pretty in her own special way).

Izuku was standing there, still shocked and processing what was happening. You climbed up and introduced yourself. "Hi Izuku! First time seeing you by the way. Anyways, my name is-" he cut you off by slamming a book on you. "Princess (Y/N) (L/N) of Maldonia" you got up and said, "the real one" he was confused. "Uh... (Y/N)-Chan?"

Katsuki was hopping and making his way back to you. He saw Toga being put into a police car. "Men, let's take her to the big house" and they slammed the door driving off. She didn't say a thing as she knew that she was guilty. Then he looked right next to them and saw you and Izuku together. "Wow. That's a lot to process. So I have to kiss you before midnight and then you and Kacchan become human again?" You has a stressed look on your face as he said that. There was only 1min and 30 seconds till midnight. "And then we'll get married!" "Something like that. But you must remember, we need to give Katsuki all the money he needs in order to open his restaurant." He watched as this was all happening.

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now