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The boat hooted as people got off the boat chanting, "Mardi Gras" over and over again with glee. Katsuki looked all around but didn't find you. "Hey have you seen (Y/N)?" Denki cake in and answered that for him. "No I haven't. Also I wanna know all the details of your proposal!" "I didn't propose... I couldn't" Denki looked down. "Hey it's alright! I'm sure that we can find her somewhere in the parade! Let's go! It's never too late for true love!" And so the went. They saw dancers and a float of king trident, beaded necklaces being thrown around. But no sign of (Y/N).

"Just look for the biggest boat with a Prince about to kiss himself a... Frog." Denki came in and saw him disillusioned. "Uh cap... that doesn't look like a frog to me" as the priest was reciting the words. Katsuki got sadder by the second. He thought that you didn't love him and all you ever cared about was money. He saw you with your (H/C) put up in a beautiful bun with a flowing veil attached. A big princes style wedding dress and a smile on your face. "Wow... Deku sure is lucky isn't he?" "No no. I- this can't be right. I'm sure we're just seeing stuff I mean. If she really did kiss him then you should've become human right I mean- Bakugou?" He's ran away with a broken heart. Of to the graveyard, sobbing.

Denki came around and found him. He heard as he sobbed and his body shaking. "Look I know what we saw and I know it was heart breaking but... hey! At least you get to spend the last of your days with your best bud!" "Oh yeah like that makes everything better." "Well you'd be just as happy as me and Evangeline even without a-" "EVANGELINE IS JUST SOME DUMB STAR! ITS JUST A BIG BALL OF HOT AIR MILLIONS OF MILES AWAY! You can't possibly ever feel what I feel... wake up already. You don't wanna get hurt" and he hopped away. Denki was all teary eyed. "HES just mad because of his broke heart. That's why he spoke that way. Come on Evangeline. We're gonna show him the true reality!" And off he went.

"If any of you object to the union. Speak now, or forever hold your peace" you were furious. You were not gonna let some traitor take your identity and toy with an innocent boy like him. So with all your might you shouted. "Me! I object!" You pounded the walls of the small treasure chest that you were in. So with your tongue you shot it out so that it hit the floor so that you could use that a substitute for your legs. "Ew... floor taste disgusting". The only part of the plan that Toga didn't know was that Shigiraki was plotting All Mights death. 

Even though the floor tasted disgusting, you continued on just to make sure that this wedding never reached the end that Toga wanted. While you were doing that, Denki flew up to your decoy and thought that it was you. "Cherí what are you doing?!"(please correct me if I got that wrong). Toga was bothered and swatted him away. But when she was, she saw that you were trying to escape, so she stepped on your tongue with the heel of her shoe, leaving you in pain. "Ouch! Didn't know that my heel could inflict so much damage and pain".

"-As you both shall live?" "Hm? I do." Izuku smiled when you we said those words. Denki looked down and saw your retreating tongue. He flew down to see if it was really who he thought it was. "(Y/N) is that you?" "Oh my goodness Denki! It's so good to see you, please get me out of here!" "Sorry I can't here you! So I'm gonna hey you outside of this box!" So he flipped himself upside down to form a keyhole like shape and hit you out of there. "To keep yourself unto her, as long as you both shall live?" "I do." Right after Izuku said those words, Shigaraki closed up the pin to the heart of his voodoo doll that represents his Idol, All Might.

"And so, by the power invested in me by the state of Louisiana," Shigiraki's pin kept getting closer. You got out of the box and the first thing you did was, "I know pronounce you Husband and-" you jumped onto Toga's neck and yanked him down the the float, which happened to be actual cake. "(Y/N)-Chan!" When the two of you landed down, you have caused a commotion and traffic with the floats. "(Y/N)-Chan, are you ok?" She got up. "Yes I'm fine just, give me a moment to compose myself!" And she ran off, confusing everyone at the Mardi Gras.

Toga laughed maniacally as she held your slime self in your arms. "This is revenge. On all those years where you treated me like garbage and humiliated me! You don't get a happy ending anymore!" Shigiraki walked in angered, "Get your ass back on that float and finish the wedding!" While she was distracted yoy croaked, making your froggy chest puff out and snatching the necklace off of her neck. "No!" "What are you doing?! Stop her!" Denki raged in and saw that you needed a little bit of his help. You threw the necklace and had him catch it.

"I got it!" And the necklace was too heavy for him. "And now it's got me" he dropped to floor. Shigaraki tried to catch him, but he was too slow and Denki already ran off with the pendant and the Necklace. The only way that Toga could convince everyone that it was you who was up there.

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now