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It was a lovely morning and "you" are outside having Lunch with Izuku and having a nice chat in. "Well princess (Y/N) i am really embarrassed that you had to experience that whole situation with the frogs that decided to come to our party uninvited," said Izuku "well when your in line for the throne, you are expected the unexpected" Toga then began to get flirty with him and the boy was getting flustered and covering his face. he looked down and then looked at Toga again and saw that her eye changed color. "u-uh what happened to your eye there (Y/N)-Chan?" Toga's face expression went to one of worry. 'u-uh don't worry about that Izu... uh" she covered it up. then she checked the pendant and saw that the blood was draining out of it. she began to panic so she got up and took Izuku with her. "Izuku-Chan. I can no longer deny the throbbing in my-" then her butt flattened. "-heart" she dipped him in trying to hide the fact that her butt was now flat. "even though our time has been brief it has been heavenly" and she spun him around. Izuku was a blushing mess at this point so he covered his face. "Goodness (Y/N)" her facial structure soon became the same and so she buried her face into the chest of Izuku while trying to hide herself. "You know Izuku I've wanted to ask you this for a while and well uhm... would you do me the honor of becoming the next king of Maldonia?" Izuku watched her and then his face lit up with some light blush. "of coarse... I would love that" he said as he pet her head (Author-san is now trying very hard not to hit themselves and the laptop). He turned around to leave and Toga hid her face behind the many flowers. He turned around, gave her a closed eye smile and waved goodbye.

right after he completely left, Shigaraki came up to Toga and watched as the blood drained out. "what do we do now?" "well because somebody let our little froggy go, I now have to ask a favor from my friends"


"So Bakubro, I already know about your restaurant but i really wanna know what's gonna be on the menu," said Kirishima. "Ooh ooh! So do I! I wanna know what your gonna have" "yeah! So are you gonna have Etouffee?" asked Kirishima. "Is it gonna be shrimp?" Katsuki smirked and looked at the two of you. "I'm gonna have the best fucking Etouffee in all of New Orleans. And I will have all kinds you just have to order it and pay me" You pouted, "but I already am going yo pay for every meal that I am going to have there" "your only paying for the building so that's only half of what you'r gonna be eating there" "I will pay for renovations and furniture" "fine with me" the two of you shook on it. "So I have to pay?" "you'll get a discount" "sounds cool" and they went on with their travels. "you know all this talk about food is making me really hungry," said (Y/N), then a couple of flies flew on by and your tongue tried to come out of your mouth."that's new" and so you swam down and got to where the flies where. "What are you doing?" "hush... You can scare away the food" you got your tongue out and tried but failed.

"this a lot harder than it looks" Katsuki laughed and just then a firefly passed by and his tongue tried to come out as well. "Oh hell no" then his body moved towards the direction that his tongue was aiming to. While you were purposely trying to get the firefly, Katsuki couldn't control his tongue so he was being led there. The two of you shot at the same time and had your tongues tied. Your tongues retreated and then the two of you were forced to go forwards. You were a blushing mess but to hide that you decided to make a pickup line. Katsuki thought the same thing so "Tongue tied huh?" the two of you laughed at the fact that you said it at the same time.

"Jinx! you owe me a soda" you sighed in defeat but then said. " Why not a drink?" Katsuki was not impressed by what you said. "I want to be untied now." so he pulled away."hey hey! You're gonna make this even more difficult to untie" "did you guys find any food yet? oh boy" Kirishima saw the state you were both in. Katsuki mad but also for some reason embarrassed to. He didn't know why but he still shot a mean glare towards Kirishima. "don't worry I got this" so he tried to untie you but when he put you down the two of you guys were even worse than before. He had a sad expression on his face. But then it lit up as he got an idea. "I will go ahead and find a stick to help you guys". and he went off onto his quest.

The two of you just stood there and waited in awkward silence. "So... is this the closest that we will ever get to kissing?" Katsuki was just well let's just say on Tsundere mode. "Well obviously! like I'd marry you." then you guys stood there for a longer period of time. "Well would you look at that! Looks like these guys got a little to rough using tongue" the two of you looked at the person that said those words. Then you guys saw that it was the firefly that you two tried to eat. "Hey! we were not making out its just that we tried to catch a meal and then this happened!" "well let me just shine some light on this situation" he tried to glow it up the first time but it didn't light up so he tried a second time and then it did. "alright just let me just" he went on in and looked for a way to untie it. he did it with just one pull. once you guys got your tongues back the nice firefly decided it was time to introduce himself. "about time I get to introduce myself! Names Denki, Denki Kaminari"


Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now