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The two of you screamed as you fell into an unknown Territory. Bakugou has hit many branches, cussing every time he hit one. until he landed on a spider web. He was relieved when it stopped him from landing on water. But then you used him as a cushion and the two of you landed in water. The leftover latex of the balloon soon joined in. "Blah! This water taste gro- oowoah!" Katsuki emerged from it with an angry expression on his froggy features. "You said that you were hella rich!" He shouted. "No, my parents are hella rich. That cut me off for being a bi- LEACH!!!! Omg ew ew ew get it off of me!!!" Katsuki rolled his eyes and took it off of you without trouble.

"Your flat ass is broke and you had the balls to call me a lair!" he grunted and threw the leach aside only to see a giant cat fish swim up to eat it. The two of you screamed and ran for your lives. "What the fuck was that?!!" Shouted Katsuki. "It was a catfish! Even though I'm rich I still know everything that school is supposed to teach you, now, Excuse me angry bastard but my human ass is not flat! But this frog one sure is..." you screamed again but this time it was a bird and it tried to eat you. "BITCH RUN!" Shouted Katsuki as he grabbed you by your wrist and made you run with him. "I fully intend to become rich once again but first I need to marry this boy named Izuku" "Deku?! Well I'd gladly hand you over to him!" Then a cliff came in and you guys rolled all the way until a ramp came in and flew you Guys in the air. You landed on your legs while Katsuki landed on his head. "Fuck... alrighty. When you marry that damn Deku your gonna keep your promise and get me my restaurant right?" "Hold your horses! First, can you please not cuss for 5 minutes?" "Fuck no" "and secondly- what did I just say? Anyways, I made that promise to a prince! Not an angry jackass that's self- why are those logs moving?" His attention went towards where you were looking.

They came closer and closer until Katsuki realized that, "those aren't logs..." then the "log" you guys were sitting on got his head out and looked at the two of you. "Dibs on the biggest one" you hopped out of there just in time. "THEY'RE FUCKING CROCODILES!" He went into the water and began to swim even though he doesn't know how to... (book logic). He found a teal log that then led him to a safe place where he can't be eaten. The crocodiles were still fighting over you. "Psst!" "Eh?" He looked down and saw you. "Pass the vine" "get your own fucking tree" the crocodiles spotted him and began to go after him. "please I beg of you! I will actually get your restaurant this time just please!" "I don't trust people who break promises" "get her!" "Eek!" "Please this time its for real!" he rolled his eyes and gave you the vine. "Help me up please!" he lent you a hand. the crocodiles cackled and laughed as they said. "you can hide, but you cant hide!" the soon began to swim away. "well bartender. Looks like were gonna be here for a while. Why don't we get comfy" he smacked you one your head. "Hey!" "well then don't go around, call me a jackass, and then expect me to sleep with you!" "What now! I was thinking that we could maybe cuddle" "out of the question! this blanket is mine" "Hey! ugh, whatever its just moss anyways" "he hands you some. "Thank you" he grunted, "I'm not selfish alright" you hummed in response.


When Katsuki woke up the first thing he did was make a small raft made out off cattails, sticks and vines. When he was done, he woke up by throwing a rock on your head. "Hey!" "Wake up! You get enough beauty sleep?" you got to the small window on the tree. "Honey, no amount of beauty sleep can make me beautiful in this state" "I bet that wasn't true even when you were human" "hey!" "anyways. Lets get this going. We gotta back to New Orleans and clean up the mess that you got us into" you sighed and got down onto the raft. you got a stick with some webs on it and another stick with thick webs on it. you began to play a song as Katuksi paddled. "whats with the sudden Viola?" you gasped for you were insulted. "excuse me! I am not a disappointment who sucks at violin to the point where I was recommended the viola! It's just some light music for your paddling" "Yeah well why don't you help me for real and paddle with me?" "nah I'll just play louder" and your soft classical music became into an upbeat jazz. But then a red crocodile came up from the water. "how about we stop playing and we start to- *gasp*" the crocodile opened its mouth wide making your raft to go a little further because of the small wave he caused. "I know that tune! It's a Gypsy jazz violin and the song is called All of me!" he brought out his banjo and began playing along with you. "Play it brother!" you exclaimed. the two of you began to play together that very song. Katsuki slowly got up from the tumble that he took when the crocodile swam up to them.

"Where have you been all my life?" asked the crocodile with amusement. " where did you learn how to play?" you asked. Well I learned by my dad who is also super manly and knows how to play the banjo" Katsuki could tell that it was none other than Kirishima who could be the crocodile. "Hold on Hold on. Shitty Hair" Kirishima looked at the frog who was also Katsuki. "Woah Bakubro is that you?" "Who else?" "So you made a deal with the shadow man as well?" "I didn't but the sorry excuse for a princess did" Kirishima looked at you. "Your a princess?" "Princess (Y/N) of Maldonia" you bowed. "Thats so cool! Can we be bros?" "Uh... sure! Never had real friend before" "Okay, what's your story?" "Oh! So I asked the shadow man to give ,me permanent red hair and to get rid of my sharp teeth 'cause piercing your own tongue can get annoying. So he did just that and I also had a show that very night which was last night and right when I was about to perform, everyone screamed and started running away. I also noticed that I got slightly taller. I looked at the hands that held my banjo and saw claws! People got their rifles ready and I swam away before I got shot" you gave him a sorry look. "Oh poor baby.. I want to adopt right now" "Uh but you can't. I'm the same age as you" Katsuki was not going to stand there all day just watching you guys talking so he decided to leave. "You know Kirishima, Were kinda looking for someone who could break this curse so... we'll be leaving now!" and he strted rowing. "Wait! I think I know someone who could help!"

Bakugou was interested. "Who?" "I've heard of someone who does Voodoo lives around these parts and she goes by the name Mama Odie. She could help us! And that's also why I came here. I wanted to turn back into a human like you two. She's also a voodoo queen." Katsuki gave it a thought and soon decided to let Kirishima join the club. And then he jumped on in and began to play his banjo.

Bold for movement and scenery normal for lyrics (Kirishima is the only one singing)

You and Katsuki left the raft alone in that one place and used Kirishima instead. He began to play his banjo and swim along. If I were a human being, I'd head straight to New Orleans and I'd strum my strings so hard and strong until they break and fall off. He got some moss from a nearby branch and wiped his face with it. You've heard of Louis Armstrong, Mr. Sydney Bechet. You pointed towards Kiri as Katsuki tried to get up on the turtles shell. Kirishima kept on singing and dancing all those boys gotta step aside when they hear this old player play listen! He began to play on the Banjo and as you plucked with him. He swing on a branch and then fell off. Lush greens moved to reveal Kirishima come up from the water if I were a human as I hope to be. I'm gonna strum my strings till the cows come home and everyone's gonna bow down to me he rolled on a log as he used the poor turtle as a hat and then threw him when he was done. He landed on a branch. Thank you thank you! He began t blow kisses to an imaginary audience. Aw thank you. I love you to baby. He began to strum once more around the turtle. When I'm myself again I want just the life I had! A big show every night! That don't sound so bad. All the boys are with me. Playing to a crowd and everyone dancing along that sound just about right! Hey guys? He threw you and Katsuki yo in the air as Butterflies made a beautiful patterns like a mandala and the two of you landed on his head safe and sound Life is short when you're done, you're done. Were on this earth to have some fun. And that's the way Things are. When I'm human, and we're gonna be I'm gonna year it up like I did before and that a royal guarantee! Butterflies got in his eyes and he swatted them all away in annoyance Katsuki was cleaning the moss and webs so Kirishima sees better
Katsuki: your modesty becomes you and your sence of responsibility I've worked hard for everything I've got and that's the ways things are supposed to be you made makeshift drums and used Kirshimas Scales to make the sound.
Katsuki: when I'm a human being at least I'll act like one. If you do your best each and every day, good things are sure to come your way. What you give is what you get my father said that and I'm never forget. And I commend it to you
You used your sticks to give yourself Brain damage by using yourself as the drums. When we're human and we're gonna be I'm gonna strum my strings
(Y/N): Gonna love the high life!
Katsuki: Imma do my best to take my place to the skies!
Kirishima got stuck and you guys helped him out. When we're human!
Kirishima made a big splash.

1851 words

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now