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Well Fuck I'm hella late sorry for not updating but ya girl got her phone taken away and her laptop. And even when I got it back I didn't update so sorry now Enjoy

"Well... I guess We went a little too far there. We should get going," said Bakugou as he hopped away with you there kinda sad that you didn't get to kiss him. Disappointed to. And while you were off guard, zone of Shigaraki's friends grabbed you by your ankle (still a frog ok just in case you forgot that) and dragged you into the woods as you called for help. "Bakugou!" Was the last thing you said before you were lost in the woods. "(Y/N)!" Kirishima screamed and Denki was still trying to process what was happening. They ran as fast as they could to get you back.

"No, no, no!" Your ankle still in the hands of a shadow from the underworld as they dragged you. You cried for help was scared. When you could you grabbed onto a branch and held on for dear life as the shadow tried to yank you off of it. He did but they still failed as some mysterious light came and burned him away along with all of his other friends. You peeked your head out of the water and was confused and you saw that all the shadows were gone. Everybody else caught up heavily breathed. Then a shadow with what seemed to be a bat in there hand, could be seen.

It came closer and closer until it was... an old man with black hair that seemed like it hasn't been washed in years. Denki and Kirishima were confused. "Not bad for a 174 blind guy like me. Ugh I hate having to wake up to screams and having to do voodoo" then it clicked. Turns out Mama Odie is Papa Odie. "Now which one of you guys been messing with the shadow man?" And everyone pointed to you as you awkwardly smiled. It was better than being taken away by a bunch shadow demons.

He took all of you guys to a tree with a broken boat on it. This is what The Who saved called home. "We're so glad we have found you but... I thought you were a woman" "a lot of people think that because of the length of my hair" "oh.. so your papa Odie. Denki and Kirishima have told ya all about you. We have been traveling for a long time. Can you imagine what we have been through?" "Can you shut up" and so you stopped. "Mic?" And then a bird with yellow feathers standing up right on his head came in and sat on Aizawa's shoulder. He looked towards his direction "how you doing girl. Kissies" he kissed his beak 6 times. Kirishima looked at that parrot and whispered towards Denki. "I don't think that cockatoo is female... but if it were it'd still be messed up" Denki nodded in agreement.

"You just love me don't you?" The parrot tweeted in response. "So Denki how is your grandma doing?" Asked Papa Odie as he blindly walked with his cockatoo moving around anything that he could trip on or get hurt with. "Oh she got into a little bit of trouble. She flashing the neighbors again" "again?" "Hey Mr.Odie Ltd cut to the chase I-" "shut up you guys wanna be human again don't you?" "Uh... yeah I do," said Katsuki. Then he saw that he went to sleep in a yellow sleeping bag. "How the hell did he do that so quick with zero noise?!" Then he woke up. "Mic you forgot my gumbo why didn't you tell me!"

Kirishima went up to Denki and asked. "Ya sure this is the person who lives in a boat on a tree in the bayou?" "Yup" You and Katsuki decides to go up to Papa Odie to ask, "so Paps Old-y can you tell us-" "taste this" and he put some Gumbo into Katsuki's mouth. "Hm... give it a couple of shots of Tabasco and it'll be perfect almost as good as mine. Now can you-" "Mic!!" He came in and poured some in while he wasn't looking. He turned back around and put his hand it as a spoon and tasted it. "That's is good. Exactly what I needed. Now did you guys figure out what you need?" "Didn't you hear me?! I asked you if you could somehow turn us back into human!" "Well that's a load of bull. You guys don't have the sense that you were born with. You want to be human but you are blind to what you need" "says the blind person." You smacked the back of his head. "What?" "Respect. Now look. What we want what we need is the same thing right?" "Wrong!" And he smacked you behind your head. Then Katsuki laughed.

Bold for Lyrics normal for- why am I repeating you guys already know

Dont matter what you look like then his Cockatoo flew around him don't matter what you wear then he snapped his fingers and he was in a suit and tie. How many rings you got on your finger then he showed the two of you his hand with rings on every one of them we don't care! No we don't care you looked up to see a choir of Pelicans singing along. Don't matter where you come from , don't even matter what you are. Then he got another wooden bat and hit his Cockatoo with it turning him into a dog, a pig, a cow, a goat had em all in there (had em all in here) the Pelicans came into the same room you guys were in. And they all knew what they wanted the Pelicans began to fly in circles above Papa Odie what they wanted me to do. I told em what they needed, Just like I be telling you the Pink Pelicans began to dance with papa Odie he began to dance towards you and throw around things he found in a box. You gotta 🎶 Dig a little deeper! 🎶 the Pelicans sang along again as they danced. find out who you are! He threw Kirishima a tambourine along with Denki. (Kirishima is a gator and Denki is a firefly just in case ya'll forgot) and they began to play with them. 🎶 you gotta dig a little deeper! 🎶 it really ain't that far then he grabbed an clam and opened it to reveal a pearl. When you find out who you are you and Katsuki looked at your reflections in the pearl you'll find out what you need you smiled as you looked at Katsuki. Blue sky's and sunshine guaranteed! You awkwardly chuckled when he realized. Papa Odie grabbed a Pelican and began to use it as a shovel. You gotta dig! Dig! Denki was playing his tambourine along side with Kirishima. Princess froggy is rich little girl. You want to be rich again you stopped dancing and turned around. You eagerly nodded you head with a smile that ain't gonna make you happy now Papa Odie looked like a judge when he looked down on you. Did it make you happy then? You were about to respond but- No! He then began to throw a bunch of gold coins at you and you graciously took it all with your arms spread out. Money ain't got no soul, money ain't got no heart! It began to pile on and you were drowning in all the coins all you need is some self control he grabbed you by the neck. Make yourself a brand new start! He hopped off landing on a crate you gotta dig a little deeper! Don't have far to go. You gotta dig a little deeper Katsuki was grumpily sitting on another crate with Denki trying to get him to dance tell the people mama told you so! As you continues looking at him you let go of the penny you have in your hand. Can't tell you what you'll find soon he let himself go and danced along with the music maybe love will grant you peace of mind you smiled at those words knowing they were true. Dig a little deeper and you'll know. "Mr. Froggy?" "Yes sir?" "Might I have a word?" "I guess" "you're a hard one that's what I heard" he poked the gumbo and there was an image of his father your daddy was a loving man family through and through he smiled as he looked at the image. You're your daddy's son what he had in him, you got in you. There was a hole in the floor so Mic the cockatoo got a piece of wood so that Papa Odie could walk on it. You gotta dig a little deeper! He got onto the highest part of the boat for you, it's gonna he tough mic went to the wheel that made it go higher and spun it making them go higher. You gotta dig a little deeper! You ain't dug near far enough the singing Pelicans was the first thing you all saw when you guys got up there. Dig down deep into yourself you'll find out what you need colored bottles hanging on the branches. Blue sky's and sunshine guaranteed. Open up let the light in children! All the Pelicans opened up the moss revealing an Oasis filling with yellow light. All of you paraded in with the Pelicans acting as boarders. Blue sky's and sunshine, blue skies and sunshine Katsuki posed as papa Odie picked him up he then sang blue skies and sunshine! Your face lit up when you heard him. Guaranteed.

"Well Mr. Froggy? Do you understand what you need now?" "Yeah! I gotta dig a little deeper and work even harder to get my restaurant!" They were all disappointed when they heard him say that. Denki tried to bring it back and epically failed. "Why is this guy so dense?

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now