Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes slowly trying to familiarize myself with my surroundings and I noticed that I was in hospital or at least that's what it looked like. I looked around for a nurse or someone who could tell me something, my lower back abdomen was on fire and my little one was very much active, thank God. I remembered how I felt dizzy and fell. Crazy me suspected that hubby had something to do with me collapsing but normal me thought against it. He was my husband so he wouldn't dare put his son at risk like that. I tried to sit up but I had little strength in me.
"Save your strength Mrs Mbana" a woman said walking in she was wearing a hospital gown carrying a board
"Where's my husband? Where's my daughter?" I asked panicking
"Its not right to stress in your situation ma'am. Your daughter is in the other room and your husband said to take care of you" she said calmly
I frowned "what do you mean my husband said you should take care of me?" I asked really confused
She took out her phone and handed it to me and pressed on a video, my husband's face popped up on the screen
"I know you probably confused or angry at me even but this is for your own and our kids safety. Someone is after us and so we had to take care of that, I know you want to argue but if I had told you what was going on you were going to fight me with your all and I couldn't afford that. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I love you mfazi wam and I promise to get back you as soon as I can. Kiss my little ones for me Ok? Bye kitten" he said and like that the video had ended. I handed her the phone
"Mrs Mbana"
"Call me Ayola please cause after today Mrs Mbana does not exist!" I said gritting my teeth fuming with anger.
Lwando drugged me possibly harming our son in the process, kidnapped my daughter and I and then has the nerve to tell me his plan or whatever via a fucking video?
Is he serious?
"Mrs... I mean Ayola, your pressure is really high and if we dont bring it down you might go into early labour" she pleaded. I shot her a death stare "I understand you confused"
"Confused?" I exclaimed "confused you say? I'm not confused doc. I'm mad! I'm angry that Lwando would fucking risk our sons life the way he did. I am angry that he's been lying to me this whole time so don't tell me about being confused!" I yelled "BRING ME MY DAUGHTER!"
"She's sleeping ma'am" she said sounding a little scared
"Did he drug her too?" I asked looking up at her. She shrugged looking down "YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT! YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!" I said borderline pissed. Lwando doesn't know who I am I swear "where is my phone?" She handed me a Samsung S9, I looked at it "where is my real phone?"
"Mr Mbana had to get rid of it as it was being tracked" I chuckled sarcastically. I took the phone and shot her a look so that she gets out.
I went through the phone and his number was saved as 'hubby' I chuckled to myself
I called him and he answered after a while "Majola"
"Manyola my left foot!" I mocked pissed by the mere sound of his voice. "Get your ass here now or I swear to God I will walk out on you and marry someone else and have your kids call him dad!"
"Uyanya kengoku!" He said calmly but very pissed
"Try me Lwando Mbana. Just try me!" I said and then dropped the call.
Little one in the tummy wouldn't stop kicking at all, I rubbed my belly hoping to calm him down but it wasn't working one single bit "baby I need you to sleep please" I begged with teary eyes. Lwando was going to be the death of me I swear. I took small deep breaths hoping to calm myself down. "I need you to calm down for mommy Ok?" I begged brushing my tummy and slowly but surely the kicks were subsiding.
I was about to sleep when my husband walked in looking like he just fought the lion of Judah.
"Majola" he whimpered before collapsing
How I jumped off the bed to go attend to him is still an ongoing investigation for black twitter. I placed his head on my lap and screamed out for help. The doc from earlier walked in
"Fuck!" She typed on her phone
"What happened to him? Is he going to be ok?" I asked with tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't lose him. I loved him too much.
Doctors flooded in and they took him to another room. I took the opportunity to look around and weren't in a hospital, we were in a house that had been turned into a hospital.
I went back the room I was in and got in under the cover. My phone rang and it was my father
"Jola" I said sniffing
"The hell were you thinking huh? You almost had your husband killed because of your childish acts! I hope you happy!" He yelled dropping the call on me
Did that just happen???
I banged my phone on the bed trying to process what my ruthless father had just said. I was getting impatient because no one was saying anything about Lwando. I was about to get up when someone walked in, it was Aphiwe looking like he just survived world war 3
"Siswam" I shot him a look "I'm sorry Ok. How is be?" He asked sitting on the chair beside my bed. I looked at him and didn't say anything. My hand was itching to slap him. "I know you have questions" I chuckled sarcastically "he's going to make it. He's strong" he assured
"APHIWE GET OUT!" I said calmly. He shot me a look "if you care about the baby I'm carrying you will walk out of this room right now"
I couldn't even sleep. I kept tossing and turning. The image of my husband haunted me. He wasn't shot, no. He wasn't stabbed either but he really looked bad. I heard someone walk in but I didn't turn one single bit
"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. I was just looking for someone to blame for things going south" he sighed "Majola I love you, you're my only daughter that's why I married you off to Sniper, I knew that he was the only one who could protect you the way you needed to be protected. He is a younger version of me and I'm happy with that" he huffed "I wish things were different, I wish I were a better father to you and your brother, I just wish I had done things differently that way you wouldn't need so much protecting from my enemies" I felt him brush my hair "baby I am proud of the woman you've become. You're strong, beautiful, courageous and everything perfect. Sniper is going to make it"
"Sir" a voice cut him off
"How is he? What exactly happened to him?" He asked sounding concerned
She sighed "can we talk outside?"
"No don't worry, she's sleeping" he said
"Mr Mbana inhaled a very harmful toxin that led to internal bleeding. Had he not gotten here when he did then he would be dead by now" she said. Tears rolled down to my pillow.
"What do you mean? How could he have inhaled any toxin? We weren't near any factories" dad argued
"Did he ever complain about a headache or chest pains?" She asked
"At some point he did but we didn't think it was anything serious" dad responded
She sighed "what he inhaled is normally labelled as a slow killer. It starts with migraines, chest pains and then soon after your skin starts burning you and eventually you start bleeding from your eyes, your nose or even your ears before your body can start to give up. Internally his lungs stop functioning after a while and his kidneys puncture"
"Puncture? What do you mean? As in the leak?" He asked with real concern in his voice
"Yes sir. When he got here his kidneys were already leaking but he's Ok. We've managed to stop anymore damage but we waiting for a new kidney and a knew heart". What did she mean a new heart? What happened to his heart? Machines in my room started going off. My body felt heavy and I suddenly couldn't breathe at all, it was like something was blocking my air passage, it was so painful. Eventually I shut down.
"you have to do everything you can to save her or else Sniper will kill all of us" someone said
I could hear the voices from afar and I could feel an unbearable pain in my stomach
"Make sure that the baby is alive Christine" a male voice said
"Yes sir" she said
"Mrs Mbana we need you to fight. Fight for your family, your husband needs you and so do your kids. Mostly your little one or else your husband will kill us all" the man pleaded
I tried fighting but I had no fight in me. I wanted to give up, I couldn't handle everything. My baby was fighting for his life and so was my husband. How could I fight while dealing with so much?
"Doc we've brought you all those organs" a female voice said
"Ok I'm coming. Keep watch of Mrs Mbana please" the doc responded
The person sighed "please come back to your family" she pleaded, the voice was that of a woman. It sounded familiar "honey you beat womb Cancer, I know you can beat death too" it was mom "please my baby. That little boy in there needs you and so does Okuhle. Please my baby" she sniffed
"How is she?" My dads voice asked with concern
"Get out!" Mom yelled
"I said get out now! Go! I don't want to see your face. This is all your doing" she yelled "leave!"
Days went by and I could hear my mom, my dad and my brothers voice but not my husband's. All of them would beg me to wake up or beg me not to die and mom would mostly tell me stories about my kids and how they were growing.
"When a man wakes up in a hospital bed, especially a married one. He expects to find his wife beside him, with puffy eyes and a bit of weight loss here and there but then again you my wife. You have a mind of your own" he sighed. My husband was sitting beside my bed!!! "Part of me is glad you're in the state you in because at least you not yelling at me or divorcing me for what happened but part of me is in pieces. Its in pieces because I'm the one sitting on this chair while you lay in that bed because of me. If I could go back and do things differently I wouldn't because then I wouldn't have met you." He sniffed "Majola I am nothing without you. I know that our love story is not your typical fairy-tale but I promise you things will be different. I promise you I will leave that life behind and focus on our family only, please just come back to me" he begged sniffing in between.
My husband was crying.
I made Lwando Mbana cry!!! Can I get a round of shots?! I'm not pregnant anymore so I'm allowed to drink!
"Our son refuses to drink formula milk or any milk for that matter. Its been 5 days Ayola, please do this for Thandolwethu" he pleaded.
He named him 'our love'.

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