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“Sino no running in the house” her father shouted as my daughter ran to the kitchen
I chuckled “look who’s shouting now”
He rolled his eyes “you never told me parenting was this hard”
I shrugged “I didn’t but you don’t listen to me. I kissed his forehead “Hey Hubby”
“hey babe. How was work?” he said pulling me to sit on his lap
I sighed “hectic. I’m ready to quit”
He chuckled “I told you to quit a long time ago but you were too busy wanting to be Miss Independent”
I rolled my eyes “we not having this conversation Lwando. I love my job, hectic as it may be at times but I love it. Where’s Thando and Sanele?”
“Thando is sleeping over at a friends house, they have a group project and Sanele is in his room doing lord knows” he said with a shrug
Sino was now 10, Thando was 7 and their little sister Sanele was 4, we had three kids and they were a handful. Lwando worked from home most of the time while I was always at the office. Our relationship was not what it used to, we barely had time for each other but we made sure that weekends were family time so that our kids never felt neglected.
Lwando and his father were good I guess, I mean they never really argued much unless it was about sports but either than that they were the best of buddies. As for how Mr Ndila ended up on top of the list for a heart transplant that year, you can only imagine.
I was now 30 and my husband was 35, he was the CEO of most of my fathers companies, we lived in Cape Town now and we were happy, away from everyone.
“mom you have a visitor” Sino said walking in
“a visitor? Who?” I said getting up
“yeah who?” My husband stood up right after me and followed behind me
We got to the kitchen and it was my colleague Stan
“Stan hi” I said unable to hide the shock in my voice “Please come in” I said opening the trellidor for him
He walked in “hey Yola”
“uhhm Stan this is my husband, honey this is Stan. We working together on a case” I said walking towards Lwando
He looked at me and then at Stand and held out his hand to Stan “nice to meet you Stan”
Stan shook his hand “like wise Mr Mbana”
“What brings you here Stan?” Lwando asked rudely, I looked up at him and he paid no mind to me
“you uhhm. Forgot this and also you forgot to give me the report” he said handing me a file
I hit my forehead “flip I forgot. I left the report at the office, can we finish it tomorrow instead”
“tomorrow is Saturday, we had plans” Lwando said pulling me closer to him
I sighed “I know honey, it will only take a few minutes. Lets meet in my office at 8am sharp” I said to Stan
“of cause. See you then Bosslady” he said with a smile
I could feel my husband tensing up and tightening his grip on me “Bye Stan” I said removing Lwando’s hand and went to open the door for him
“your husband is not friendly huh” Stan said as we walked towards his car
I chuckled “he doesn’t like it when work comes home” I defended
He chuckled “I understand. Tell him not to worry, I’m married”
I laughed “to your job, ofcause”
He laughed “Bye Mrs Mbana” he said getting into his car
I walked towards the house and Lwando was standing by the door. All these years I’ve been faithful, not once have I ever cheated on him but his jealousy and territorialness (if such a word exists, if it doesn’t then I’ve just created a new word) was unflattering. I never quite understood why he behaved the way he was behaving
“your jealousy is not cute” I said walking past him
“I don’t like the way he looks at you” he said walking behind me
I chuckled “we colleagues, I’m his senior Lwando” I said rolling my eyes “honey take your bag to your room” I said referring to Oku
“but mom I’m still watching” she argued
I chuckled in disbelief “don’t test me Sinokuhle” She got up and went to take her bag to her room “What should I cook for tonight?” I asked turning to Lwando
He shrugged his shoulders and threw himself on the couch “Whatever you cook is fine”
I sighed “I’ll order pizza then” I said walking out.
Lwando was acting up for no reason! I got to the room and called for pizza and then stripped going into the shower. I let the water run on my naked body thinking about what had just happened. Despite everything I had no regrets marrying my possessive husband. I loved him with all his flaws and all his craziness.
I felt his arms wrap around my naked body, I knew it was him. I tilted my head to him
“I’m sorry” he said kissing my neck
“I don’t like to argue with you about meaningless shiit Lwando. I am Stan’s boss and that’s that” I said breathing out
He sighed out heavily “I know and i’m sorry. I should have not behaved like that. I let my insecurities get
between us” I nodded “so you really going to work tomorrow morning?” he asked washing my boobs
I nodded “I have no choice. We have to send the report to Durban Monday morning. Mr Bess wants it”
He sighed “I understand”
I turned to him “I will be home before 10am ok?” I said planting a kiss on his lips
He responded and that alone escalated really quick into a make out session in the shower. We took it from the shower to our bedroom and soon after we were both panting and tryng to catch our breaths
“I ordered pizza” I broke out
He chuckled “after all this good sex all you could think of is pizza?” he said poking me
I chuckled “my kids need to eat and I’m also hungry” I said getting up
“fine” he said flipping over to face the other side. I pulled the throw up and put it over his naked body before wearing a robe. I went to check on the kids and they were playing in Oku’s playhouse
“hello” I said peeking in the playhouse
“mummy” Sanele said crawling out
I pulled her to my arms and hugged her “hello my lovely one”
She giggled “your hair is wet” she said brushing my hair back
I chuckled “I just finished showering
“what happened here?” she said pointing my neck
“mommy has a hickey” Oku said giggling
I looked at her “honey what is a hickey?”
She giggled and pointed at my neck “its this thing”
Her little sister giggled “mommy who bit you?”
I was so shocked that Oku knew a hickey “nana who told you that this is a hickey?”
“I heard it from uncle Phiwe” she answered innocently
I breathed out “well its not a hickey, I got bitten by mosquitos and you know mommy bruises easily” I defended hoping that they bought the story “come lets go and pay for the pizza”
“yhey” they both said excitedly as we walked out of the room
We got downstairs, I paid and then placed slices for everyone on their plates and then took Lwando’s plate to
him in our room. I took my phone and dialled my son’s number, he had a smartphone thanks to his father.
“honey” he said
“hey baby, how are you?” I asked chuckling. He called me honey because he got it from his dad
“I’m good honey and how are you?”
I breathed out “I’m ok, so you don’t miss me one single bit?” Lwando gave me a look rolling his eyes
He chuckled “I’m sorry mom, I was going to call you but I forgot”
I rolled my eyes “yeah right Thando. Hows the project going?”
“its going ok I guess” he said sounding defeated
I frowned “what do you mean?”
He sighed “I miss you guys, I miss family night”
I giggled “that’s cute, no need to sulk. I’ll come and fetch you tomorrow ok?
He breathed out “awesome. Thank you mom”
“yes mom?”
“you would tell me if something happened right?” I asked with concern
He sighed “yes mom I would. We’ll talk tomorrow. Bye mom” he said dropping the call on me
I stood there trying to make sense out of everything. I turned to Lwando
“what?” he asked reading my facial expression
I shrugged “something is wrong with Thando”
He chuckled “you imagining things Kitten”
I shook my head “I know our son. He sounds a little disturbed Lwando” I said walking to the closet
“Ayola where are you going?” he shouted from the room
I took off my robe and wore underwear, sweatpants and a track top with my nike sneakers
“Where are you going?” Lwando asked walking in
“I’m going to fetch my son” I said tying up my hair
He chuckled “Ayola, Thando is fine. Don’t be dramatic about this”
I shook my head and walked past him “I’m a mother, I carried that boy for 7 months. I know when something is wrong. I can feel it”
He grabbed my arm as I was about to walk out “at least let me get dressed and we’ll go together ok?” he pleaded with his eyes
I went to sit on the bed and waited for him to get dressed. When he was done I went to fetch the girls and strapped them in the car then we drove off to Thando’s friend’s house.
We got to his house and I knocked, a woman opened the door “Hi” she said, she looked drained
“Hi, I am Ayola Mbana and this is my husband Lwando, we are Thando’s parents” I said with my hand held out
Lwando waved “hi”
She faked a smile “Hi Mr and Mrs Mbana, how may I help you?”
“Who’s at the door?” a voice said behind her startling her
She looked scared, I know abuse victims when I see them I kind of deal with them every now and then when I assist in cases.
“it’s uhhm. Thando’s parents” she said with her voice shaking “please come in” she said stepping aside
I looked at Lwando and he shrugged. I went in and he walked in behind me, the house looked trashed like they’d been fighting or something.
“how may we help you?” she asked
“we here to fetch Thando, something came up and we have to leave” I said
“well who was it?” a male voice said walking in “Sniper” the guy said
I looked at Lwando and he breathed out looking really tense “Sky” he said
Sky chuckled “who would have thought?”
“just get me my boy and we’ll be out of your hair” Lwando said sternly
The wife walked out leaving me with two bulls in a kraal “the Sniper actually has a family” he said nodding slowly
You could tell that these two had history “Sky don’t start with me” Lwando said
Just then the wife walked in followed by Thando and his belongings. “Honey” he said
I chuckled “hey handsome” I said pulling him into my arms
“We’ll be on our way. thank you” Lwando said headed to the door
“we not done Sniper” Sky said
“you can bet on it” Lwando said walking out behind us
Looking back where we began, I didn’t expect a fairy-tale but my life turned into a fairy-tale on its own and it was not your typical Cinderella story or your usual Snow white type of fairy-tale, now, No, it was an Ayola type of fairy-tale, the not so typical fairy-tale that we grew up reading when we were kids. My fairy-tale came in a three-piece suit on a plane wrapped with arrogance for days and sexy cockiness with a broken man deep down inside the packaging.
Lwando wasn’t perfect but he was perfect for me. He wasn’t what many people would want but he was what I needed to get by. He loved me despite everything and he made me love him despite his demons. God he made me love him with his demons even. I couldn’t not love him even if I wanted to. We broke each other at some point but in the end we were the only ones who could rebuild each other into the way we needed to be.
I am Ayola Majola Mbana and this was my not so typical fairy-tale story.

The End!

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