A wet patrol

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Rain drizzled along the rooftops creating a soothing sound. A splash and a skid was heard as a pair of black boots skidded onto a rooftop causing a cascade of water to pour onto the streets below. A slight scrap as a leather belt dragged across the rooftop. Chat noir enjoyed his freedom patrolling. What would make it even better would be if his Lady was here with him. Any time spent with her was to be treasured and was therefore a valuable commodity to the black leather clad superhero. His vibrant green eyes swept the streets as he let out a breath. He had been hopping from rooftop to rooftop hoping maybe, just maybe his lady would be patrolling tonight. Luck never seemed to be on his side though as he was alone this night. He let out a sigh which turned into steam in the wet drizzle. A light shiver and he was reminded that it was in fact raining.

Perhaps he should call it a night... buzz buzz pulling out his baton which also doubled as his source of communication he smiled, only one person called his number and that was his bugaboo. Taking a small breath he planted a happy face before answering, "Bonsoir My Lady! Just couldn't resist hearing my voice?" "Chat Noir! Stop goofing around I have serious news! Wait are you in the rain? Get under some shelter first before you catch cold!" chuckling Chat Noir moved under an awning and shook out his wet hair. "Always so pawsitivly caring bugaboo!" "ugh, anyways! I managed to err obtain a book about the miraculous..." Chat hears Ladybug pause. Tensing he knows this is truly serious. Ladybug nervous? It almost never happened. "I'm all ears Ladybug" "Well I may have procured it from a civilian friend of mine by accident... but based on this, and I cant tell you who, I might have a few leads on who hawk moth is." Chat rubbed the back of his neck, why did this book sound familiar? Well that didn't matter. What DID matter is that his lady needed him and that's all the reason he needed. But it also meant that if they defeated hawk moth, Paris would be safe and maybe, just maybe ladybug and him could finally know who they were. "Okay, but how do we narrow it down?" "well I need to check in with a few facts before I narrow it down. Lets meet up at the Eiffel tower tomorrow night at 9?" "Its a date M'Lady!" "CHAT" "you know I will be there LB." "you better be chat, anyways I need to go ill see you tomorrow!" click

Chat replaced his baton at the small of his back and crossed his arms. This wouldn't be an easy battle if they figured out hawk moths identity. But he would make sure Ladybug would come out of it regardless. They needed to be at the top of their game. Smiling he walked to the edge of the roof and did a quick scan of the streets. He smiled at the though of seeing his lady tomorrow even if he did have to wait an entire day. Leaping off the building he grabbed his baton and extended it quickly pole vaulting towards home. He had a long day of waiting ahead of him...

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