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Adrien managed to make it through the rest of his mind numbing day. Although fencing was rough, because, once again he was beaten by Kagami. Adrien made his way to the lockers to get changed being careful to avoid Kagami when entering and exiting. Slipping around the back he looked behind him before colliding with something solid. Immediately he caught himself against the wall before he fell. Looking up to apologize he saw Marinette being held in the arms of none other than Luka himself. Straightening up Adrien grimaced before speaking, "Marinette I'm so sorry! I just keep bumping into you!" Adrien glanced at Luka as Marinette righted her self but didn't move away from Luka, which irritated Adrien for some some reason. "Oh, Hi Luka how are you?" Adrien waved and smiled at Luka, who was currently STILL standing too close to Marinette. "I'm good Adrien, and you?" Adrien flicked his eyes to Marinette and back to Luka. "I am well, just finished fencing and I was..." Adrien stiffened as he saw Kagami with her back to then waiting on her ride. "...You were?" Adrien snaped his gaze to Marinette who had taken a step towards him with a look of concern. He saw Luka shift behind her before he spoke. "Avoiding someone?" Luka asked and half turned as though admiring the scenery before turning back around. A certain fencer? Adrien glared at Luka not noticing Marinette furrowing her eyebrows. Before he knew what was happening Marinette had grabbed his hand and was starting to pull him away. "Marinette?" "Sorry Luka I know I said we could hang out today but I forgot Adrien left his bag at school and I left it at my house! Bye Luka!" Before Adrien could comprehend what was happening he was spun like a top and DRAGGED away from a confused Luka by a very STRONG Marinette. How the heck did she get so strong?! Suddenly he was brought to a halt in... an alley? "Ok Spill."

Adrien looked down to Marinette who looked like a furious version of... Ladybug? "oh.. well... I just..." Adrien leaned back against the wall and leaned his head against the bricks closing his eyes. Why had he gotten irritated at Luka? Sure Marinette and Luka weren't dating but... hanging out? Why had they been hanging out? Did Marinette have feelings for Luka? His mind continued to swirl with these thoughts until he realized.... Wait no... he couldn't be jealous. He loved Ladybug! Pushing away from the wall he opened his eyes to see Marinette patiently waiting for him to respond. "Oh I'm sorry Marinette.. I got lost in my thoughts." Adrien looked away and at the ground while rubbing the back of his neck. "I got irritated seeing you with Luka... I don't know why." Adrien felt warm, why was he warm? He couldn't be jealous! He- "Are you jealous kitty?" Ladybug, no Marinette leaned in close with a smirk on her face. Adrien took a step back straight into the wall placing his hands against the wall. Adrien felt like he was on FIRE. Why was it so hot?! His green eyes stared straight into her bluebell eyes. Adrien had never in any moment in his life wished so hard for Marinette to be Ladybug. If he had no doubt in his mind she was Ladybug he would take her face in his hands and lean in- "Adrien?" Coming out of his haze to Marinette snapping her fingers in his face he blinked. He started to say something and realized it was starting to rain. Oh thank heavens, maybe the raid would cool whatever was boiling him alive! He saw Marinette shiver and without a thought took off his white jacket and stepped around her and put it around her shoulders. "Lets get you Home Marinette." Adrien pulled out his phone and sent a text to his bodyguard knowing full well he would find him via GPS. All they had to do was wait. Suddenly it dawned on him. "Marinette, why did you call me kitty? I mean I know you know I am Chat Noir but... only one person calls me that." Adrien looked at her from under his now bedraggled wet hair. He shoved his hands in his pockets waiting for her response. Marinette flinched a little and looked at him shyly. Just as she was about to respond they heard a honk. Darn! He had hoped maybe she would confess to being Ladybug. If only he was that lucky. Gently guiding her by the shoulders he tried to cover her body against the now stinging rain with his own and swiftly opened the door for her to climb in before running around the back of the car and sliding in to the other side. Without thinking Adrien shook his hair out all over the car. Eyes widening he turned to Marinette to apologize only to find her laughing at him. He smirked shyly and informed his body guard to drive them to Marinette's parents bakery. Glancing sideways he repressed a sigh. If only Marinette was Ladybug...

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