The Completed Promise

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Adrien was asleep. Asleep in the most comfortable bed he had ever slept in. Chat What? No he wasn't Chat Noir, he was Adrien. Must be Plagg demanding Camembert, but why would Plagg call him Chat? CHAT WAKE UP! What? That voice... What was going on? He felt a wetness on his cheek. He tried to wipe it away but he couldn't move. why couldn't he move? PLEASE YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP Wait... Hadn't they been about to fight Hawkmoth? Ladybug needed him and here he was sleeping! Fighting the urge to sleep more he struggled to open his eyes. He felt more wetness on his cheek before he finally forced his eyes open. His vision slowly focused and he heard a sob. Fully opening his eyes he saw Ladybug with her face in her hands crying over him. Why was Ladybug crying? What happened? It didn't matter! She needed him! He shifted a bit and tentatively reached for her. "...Ladybug?" Ladybug jolted and looked at him with wide eyes. He saw tear tracks running down her cheeks and her eyes were raw from crying. "Oh my God! Adrien! Thank God! Don't ever scare me like that again!" Chat was about to ask what was wrong before her words registered. "A-a-drie-e-n?! Wha-" Ladybug laid a hand on his chest. "It's okay, remember anything?" She watched him with a small smile as he worked through his thoughts. "The last thing I remember is..." Memories flooded back to him, but why were they at the Eiffel tower? He went to lift his hand and discovered he was holding something. Sitting up with help from Ladybug he held it up. "Hawkmoth's Miraculous..? WAIT Mother?! What?" Ladybug helped him stand as he stared at his fathers miraculous and listened to Ladybug explain how he became akumatized and then calmed him down as he realized he had almost killed his Lady. After a lengthy explanation. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Chat, I think it is only fair I tell you my identity, as I know yours. It's-" Chat raised his hands "No, Ladybug its okay you don't-" "-Marinette." Chat stared at her in shocked silence. He watched Ladybug's face go from nervous to sad as she looked away. "...Marinette? Its you?" Quickly dropping the butterfly miraculous he grabbed Ladybug in a hug and spun her around happily. "Chat?! Wha-" He laughed before setting her down but not legging go of her. "Marinette! It IS you! Out of everyone it could be! I was starting to suspect but you are so amazing!" Ladybug looked at him in complete shock. "Chat maybe we should go turn in the miraculous first. Then let's get you home. okay?" Chat dropped his smile. Home... it would be empty now. "Where did father go?" Ladybug sighed, "I don't know. We need to drop off the miraculous and then let the authorities know who Hawkmoth was..." Chat nodded, it hurt knowing his father was Hawkmoth, but he hoped Marinette would be there to help him through another loss. It wouldn't be as lonely this time. "Okay..." Chat looked at Ladybug. They had been through alot to take down Hawkmoth, and now that he knew who Ladybug actually was and once the news of Hawkmoth's defeat aired... Suddenly he had a crazy idea, even though he was sad about his father he was happy. And he had Ladybug no... Marinette to thank for that...

Chat Noir and Ladybug returned Hawkmoth's miraculous to Master Fu and upon lengthy debate between the three decided to keep the black cat and ladybug miraculous, as the peacock miraculous was still missing.

For the most part the city was quiet and without any akumatized victims it became routine for the heroes to patrol and perform normal hero duty.

Gabriel Agreste was a wanted man and was last spotted by several people somewhere in italy, but when police arrived on the scene he had vanished.

Adrien, although saddened by the fact his father had been Hawkmoth was doing fairly well and visited Marinette constantly not only for support but to become closer to her.

Tom and Sabine became the parents Adrien had never experienced and the days spent at their house were those filled with warmth and happiness that he so desperately craved when he was at his own cold home.

With his father gone, everything went to Adrien, and although he noticed money being spent from an unknown account he never mentioned it knowing it was his father.

Several nights later...

Adrien as Chat Noir paced nervously. He had donned a green vest and tie specifically over his hero suit for tonight. As he could only reach this part of the Eiffel tower as a superhero he had transformed into Chat. He hoped he had been successful convincing Marinette to show up... "What's going on Chat? Why did you want to meet this late?" Chat turned to see Ladybug standing before him, her eyes filled with curiosity. Ever since the defeat of Hawkmoth they had grown closer. Of course he had never had any doubts about Ladybug, but what if.. No he was confident she would... They had agreed not to call each other by their civilian names while in superhero form, so as to continue their secret identities. "Chat why are you dressed like that?" Chat smiled as warmth spread through him. "Well.. I know we have been through alot but... Marinette, I should have seen who you were sooner. All this time I could have been spoiling you like you deserve to be, and I know you deserve a much better guy than me but..." Chat pulled a bouquet of white roses from behind his back holding it out for Ladybug. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Ladybug let out a gasp as her eyes widened and she lifted her hands to cover her gasp. Chat stood nervously as he wondered. Had he been wrong? Would he be rejected yet again? Had he- Ladybug stepped forward and took the flowers from his hands closing her eyes as she inhaled their scent. Looking up shyly over the flowers she nodded. "Oh Adrien, of course I will!" She went to move towards him but he held up a hand and smiled nervously. "Wait... uh one more thing. Close your eyes." Ladybug hesitated a moment before closing her eyes and waiting. taking in a shaky breath he knelt down to the bag he had carried the flowers in and pulled out what he was looking for. Standing up he walked over to be in front of Ladybug. "Marinette. No matter what form you take, you are my Princess, My Lady, and the light of my life. I want nothing more than to continuously spoil and treasure you for the rest of your life." "Adrien what-" "Hold on I'm not finished! Give me a moment Bugaboo." Shifting he coughed before continuing, "I know we are just 15 but..." Chat opened the box of the promise ring he had picked out several days before and knelt down on one knee. "Open your eyes..." Ladybug complied and gasped loudly as her eyes widened at the ring. "Marinette, with this ring, I promise to treasure and spoil you like the Princess you have always been. I Promise no matter what to stay by your side and never leave. I promise to be your Prince. Most importantly I promise you will never ever lose me. And one day I promise to fully intend to marry you when the time is right." Chat could have passed out from sheer nerves at that point. After what felt like an eternity Ladybug set the flowers aside and held her hand out. "Of course Adrien! I love you!" Chat was ecstatic! Standing up he pulled her in for a tight hug after placing the promise ring on her finger. Pulling back a bit he looked into her bluebell eyes before placing his hand on her cheek and leaning in for a kiss, their first! His heart flooded with happiness as he pulled back and they rested their foreheads together. "I can't wait to see what our future has in store for us... My Lady."

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