Broken Control

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Chat Blanc walked closer to Ladybug who was now one her feet, crunching glass under his boots. He stopped 10 feet away from her and studied her body. She had a cut on her forehead and her cheek, like him! She winced as she put weight on her right leg, possible injury? Her hair was flawless and he felt himself admiring her strength and willpower! All that damage and this was it? No wonder he loved her. Before he could comment he heard coughing behind him to his right and what sounded like falling pebbles. He knew without looking it was Hawkmoth. Incredible, somehow his father had survived as well. "Come now Ladybug, we both know a full blast would destroy you. Just give up the miraculous and we can end this." Chat said emotionless in his words. All she had to do was give up! It was so easy, and yet she chose to fight it. Why? It was clearly pointless to fight him. Ladybug wiped her face with the back of her gloved hand and focused on him. "Chat please... let me help you." Chat held his sides as he laughed. "Help me?! Ladybug, can't you see?! I'm clearly better this way! I am stronger! I can protect you in ways I couldn't before! I gave you chances to see it my way, although anytime you want to give up just give me the word and I will happily take your miraculous and fix everything! We could be happy together! I love you! It is the other way around, let ME help YOU!" Chat took a few steps forward and then had to leap out of the way as her yo yo whizzed inches from his shoulder. Recovering quickly he skidded to a halt just behind Ladybug and grabbed one shoulder and reached for her left ear. He froze and jerked his right hand back as she screamed suddenly. His vision became disoriented as he held his hand up and saw his white glove painted red. He had clawed her by accident! Dropping to his knees he screamed as his vision blurred again. Holding his right hand in front of his face as he clutched his head with his other hand. Looking up he saw a hazy outline of Ladybug in front of him. His eyes focused in and out as he saw Ladybug clutching her shoulder. The wound looked deep! He had done this! He felt hate for what he had done to her take hold of him. "Ladybug! No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Oh God what have I done?! Are you okay?!" Ladybug fell to her knees in front of him and lowered his hands before taking his face in her gloved hands. "Chat! I'm okay, calm down, focus on me okay? Shhhh... it will be okay, I can fix it, don't worry!" His vision continued to focus in and out as he struggled against Hawkmoth's compulsion. He was trying so hard to fight.... "Ladybug..." His voice broke as he felt so lost and confused. "...Help me"

OBEY ME SON! Suddenly his vision cleared and so did his mind as Hawkmoth reasserted control. Savagely he yanked Ladybug up as he stood causing her to yelp in pain. For a split second his mind told him to let go but then the wave of compulsion washed over him and it was gone. Hawkmoth walked up to stand beside Ladybug and smiled at her. "It won't work again Ladybug, I've fixed his mind to ignore his needless desire to protect you now. He is completely under my control. The perfect son now." Chat Blanc slid his narrowed gaze to his father. Under his control? "You cannot do this Hawkmoth! What do you think you will have to sacrifice for everything to balance itself out! It could be Adrien for all you know!" Tears spilled down her cheeks cutting paths through the grime and blood. Sacrifice? What would his father have to sacrifice to gain? Despite her now being his enemy he knew her words weighed true. And if what she said was true... "Now now, don't make me out to be the bad guy. You would go to any length to reunite with your soulmate. And to show you how wrong you are, Chat Blanc take her Miraculous." Hawkmoth turned his head to look at Chat with triumph. Chat stared at him before shoving Ladybug away and snatching the brooch off his fathers purple suit. Watching his father de transform brought him no joy. His father looked stunned and then afraid as Chat glanced from the brooch he had just grabbed to his fathers face. "I have no intention of being sacrificed father." Gabriel took several steps backwards before Ladybug yelled at him to run. Turning on his heel he took off from the monster that stood holding his miraculous. Chat then turned to Ladybug in her fighting stance albeit leaning heavily on one side, indicating an injury. Tossing the brooch aside he faced her. "I don't care to be controlled in such a manner and its not him I am after. Now... Give me your miraculous!" With Hawkmoth no longer commanding him he felt as though his leash had snapped. His drive had intensified to procure the miraculous at all costs. Ladybug took a step back and made what he considered to be the smartest move of the night, she fled out of the shattered glass hole into the night...

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