A small talk

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Class was odd. And if Adrien had known what was to transpire that night he would have spent more time enjoying it. His free period was right before lunch and he slipped into worrying about the stakeout of his house as Chat Noir. Even playing piano didn't help. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice the door open and close. "You always play so beautifully even when you play such a sad song. Whats on your mind Adrien?" Adrien allowed his fingers to still as he processed the words. Placing his hands in his lap he stared at the keys. "I'm just..." "Worried your dad might be hawkmoth?" Adrien looked up at Marinette and nodded. Marinette seemed to have some internal struggle before she put her bag down and pulled out a lunch bag. Placing the cover over the keys she started pulling out macaroons and croissants. Adrien stared hungrily at the food wondering what she was doing. He was surprised when Marinette gave him a gentle hug. "Play some music on your phone so they think your practicing. I don't know if you want to talk about it but I have been bringing food just in case you did." Marinette started to get up and Adrien grabbed her hand before quickly letting go. Oh how he wished Marinette was Ladybug. It would simplify his life right now, but he was devoted and would not allow himself to go down that path unless she was in fact Ladybug. "Stay? It would be nice to talk even if its just silly things..." Marinette paused and then nodded, smiling at him as she sat down. Adrien set his phone to start playing the recordings he had done for this exact purpose.

"It's really bothering you isn't it?" Marinette asked after they had eaten in comfortable silence for about 10 minutes. "I just don't understand why... IF he is hawkmoth why would he do all this? Why would it make sense to be like this?" Adrien frowned, he wasn't angry, in fact he felt soothed by Marinette's presence. It was very familiar like he did this everyday. "Marinette seemed to get lost in thought for a moment before responding. "Well I can't say for certain, but is there anything your father wants more than anything in the world? I mean do you and Ladybug even know why he wants the Miraculous jewels?" Marinette turned to him looking very much like Ladybug without the mask... Adrien mentally shook himself. Focus! Eating another delicious macaroon that Adrien had no doubt in his mind that Marinette made, passion fruit! His favorite! He slowly responded. "Nothing I can think of. I know he misses mother but you can't just wish someone back to life. That defies logic. And he already has money and fame... I just can't understand it." Adrien did not notice Marinette flinch when he mentioned wishing people back to life. Marinette set her face into its normal features before Adrien faced her again. "And besides Ladybug said it could be the mayor! So perhaps father isn't hawkmoth." Adrien smiled, yea it could be the mayor, although he would feel bad for Chloe. It did make sense, the mayor being hawkmoth. Marinette nodded seemingly deep in thought. Adrien watched her for a moment. Noticing how her face scrunched up as she rested her head on her hand in thought. "Marinette? Promise me you will be careful, if hawkmoth finds out you know who I am you could be in danger." Marinette looked surprised before laughing, which confused Adrien. This was serious! Marinette was tough but Akuma's could cause serious damage! "I won't tell a soul about you and Ladybugs identities! I promise." Marinette made a cross your heart motion as she smiled at Adrien. Wait... did she say? "Marinette, do you know Ladybugs identity too?" Marinette looked stunned and looked away. "It's not important. Besides I know you are Chat Noir. You would protect a damsel in distress right?" Adrien felt his Chat mode activate. Smirking he chuckled at her. "Of course Purrincess, how could you ever doubt me!"

Suddenly they heard the bell ring. Adrien checked the time and helped Marinette start gathering her things. He was sad he wanted his free period and lunch to last longer. He was genuinely happy she was more comfortable around him since he slipped up. "Hey Adrien?" Adrien paused in reaching for the door and looked at Marinette with curiosity. Marinette looked at him seriously. "Please be careful tonight, I know you have Ladybug but.... Look after yourself okay?" Adrien smiled at her and opened the door. "Of course I will Marinette! Ladybug and I are a team! Nothing can hurt us!" Marinette studied him for a moment then giggled before walking out of the room back to class. Adrien would have walked with her but he had a different class than her. And then he had his extracurricular activities after school. He was glad he got to hang out with Marinette for his free period and lunch. One thing was for sure. He would protect his Lady with his life but he would equally protect Marinette just as fiercely....

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