Past the Reflection

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Descending into the darkness Chat knew Ladybug wouldn't be able to see anything until they found some source of light. What he didn't know was how to react to her leaning into him and grabbing onto his arm. He stilled as his mind tried to race a million miles a minute and his heart rate sped up to match. Turning his head he saw a look he rarely saw Ladybug wear, worry. He didn't know if it was for their previous conversation about losing him or the fact that they were finally about to face their long time nemesis. Who also just happened to be his father. He would worry about that later once they had finished taking the miraculous from his father, when there was time for talking. Ladybug had never let him down and he trusted her completely. She had never kept anything from him other than their identities, unlike his father... "Don't worry Ladybug! You are in good paws!" Chat chuckled to himself at the clever cat pun until he realized his Lady hadn't even fussed at him for it. "Ladybug?" Looking down he saw her jolt and squint trying to see him in the darkness, how deep was this elevator going? Ladybug opened her mouth to speak when he was momentarily blinded as his night vision switched back. He lifted his free hand to block some of the light as he hissed in pain. He felt the grip on his arm lessen at the same time he heard Ladybug let out a quiet gasp. Instantly alert due to hearing his Lady become surprised he lowered his hand and searched for danger, prepared to protect her, regardless that he full well knew she was capable of protecting herself. He tensed and took in his surroundings quickly searching for any sign of a threat. Only when the elevator slid to a gentle bump did he notice the path leading up to what looked like a shrine.

Suddenly he felt Ladybug let go and saw her move cautiously forward her gaze sweeping back in and forth for danger. Chat moved swiftly to catch up walking slightly behind her his tail swishing back and forth and he watched and used his enhanced hearing in case he heard anything. Ladybug didn't glance behind her at him knowing full well he had her back. They were almost to the strange shrine when Chat stopped and looked up at the rather large stained glass butterfly. Something felt wrong, it was too quiet, there should be some form of noise. Ladybug must have reached the same conclusion because she had stopped several paces ahead of him and started to turn before letting out a small gasp as she looked at the shrine. Chat's eyes snapped to her as he watched her bring up her hands to her face. Why had she gasped? What had she seen? What was the- Instantly moving Chat lunged for Ladybug tackling her to the ground and covering her body as something whizzed by overhead right where she had been standing. Twisting and turning he was up and ready in a fighting stance, locking his green eyes with the eyes of his father. For an instant he saw his stern figure and stony expression. The glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose, the perfectly swept back styled hair, the hands clasped behind his back in perfect posture, and the constant sadness in his eyes. But only for an instant because, instead of his father, Hawkmoth stood before him. Those same eyes filled with such an angry fire, and the sharply polished purple and black suit. Hawkmoth seemed to be studying him just as intently as he narrowed his eyes and straightened. For a split second no one moved or dared to breathe. Chat wouldn't move from this spot unless he needed to protect his Bugaboo or she needed him to enact any plan of hers. Fortunately the uneasy stalemate did not last long as he saw the red and black suit in his peripheral vision. Chat shifted back a bit as he saw Ladybug extend her hand, "Hawkmoth! Your reign of terror ends here!" He smirked and quickly had his staff at the ready. "Step down from your throne and give us your miraculous!" Chat quickly followed up as he half crouched prepared for the fight that he was positive was about to occur. Hawkmoth furrowed his brows and tightened his jaw in response. "How did you find my lair? Actually never mind how you found it, this will be much easier to obtain your miraculous here and now." Hawkmoth grinned at them both but still didn't move. Ladybug pulled out her yo yo before dropping into a fighting stance herself. "Chat Noir!" Chat glanced at her quickly and back at Hawkmoth, he knew what to do without even questioning her. Oh how he dearly loved his Ladybug. Before he even got the chance to enact his plan however Hawkmoth sighed and waved his hand, "Don't you even want to know why I want the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous?"

Chat gripped his staff firmly and then grimaced as Ladybug put a gentle hand on his back. Hawkmoth put his hands up to show he had no weapon and slowly walked up towards the shrine. Chat pivoted and watched his walk up to, past, and beyond them. Hawkmoth bowed his head and placed a gloved hand on top of the glass of the shrine before letting out a sigh and glancing at them over his shoulder. Chat tensed at the pleading look he gave Ladybug. He felt anger suddenly, how dare he! "Your tricks wont work on us Hawkmoth!" Chat yelled before he was surprised by Ladybug taking a few steps closer to Hawkmoth holding a hand out to Chat to show him to stay and wait. Sure he trusted Ladybug, she knew what she was doing, but Hawkmoth? He shifted his gaze to Hawkmoth to make sure he didn't attack while Ladybug approached the shrine. What he didn't expect was the look of loss in Hawkmoth's eyes as he looked down at the glass. He also didn't expect the sharp intake of breath from Ladybug. without thinking he ran to Ladybug's side putting himself between her and Hawkmoth. "Chat Noir..." With one last glare at Hawkmoth he turned to Ladybug who was looking at him with a look of utter sadness. "What is it M'Lady?" Something in his gut told him not to look, but the look on Ladybug's face. What had she seen? "Chat, remember we have to defeat Hawkmoth, I need you to be strong okay?" Dread filled him as he turned to look at the glass, dread filled him as he heard Hawkmoth laugh, dread which was replaced by an overwhelming sensation of pain, longing and confusion swept over him. Dropping his staff he didn't hear Ladybug call his name, he did't hear Hawkmoth commanding them to hand over their Miraculous. All he heard was his heart thudding heavily in his ears as he took the few steps forward. He placed his gloved hands on the glass looking past his reflection and looking through the glass. He did not feel Ladybug place a hand on his back, nor did he hear her yelling at Hawkmoth. For as he looked into the glass he saw... "Mother...?!"

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