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Class seemed to drag on forever and to top it off another painfully quiet lunch at home. Adrien sighed before he stood up grabbing his tray. "Adrien" Adrien paused before turning to Nathalie. "Yes Nathalie?" Nathalie took his tray before adding, "Don't forget you have fencing after class, a photoshoot in the park and you have to practice piano after dinner." Adrien repressed the urge to sigh and roll his eyes. "Thanks Nathalie!" making his way to the car he let out a groan and sat back. He knew his bodyguard wouldn't judge him. He managed to relax for a few minutes before he felt the car stop. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and placed his "everyday" smile on his face as he made his way to the classroom avoiding Chloe as best he could. He noticed Nino and Alya already in class, listening to music and on the phone respectfully. "Where is Marinette?" he wondered out loud. He heard Alya laugh a second before he felt something collide with his back. Out of pure instinct he grabbed the hands that grabbed onto his sides and held onto them. He heard a sharp intake of breath behind him as well as gasps in the classroom. What? Carefully letting go of one hand he turned his head to look over his shoulder at a VERY red faced Marinette. "AH Adrien! Sorry into ran- Sorry!" Adrien was confused. Why was she apologizing, he was the idiot standing in her way. "No! Marinette I was the one in the way! I'm sorry." stepping aside he gave a sweeping bow and a very Chat Noir like grin. Marinette looked like she was about to say something but stopped and gave him an odd look. Shaking her head she made her way to her desk staring at Adrien with a different intensity than her usual staring. Adrien shrugged then made his way to his seat. "Dude what was that about? Do you like, like Marinette or something?" Adrien cocked an eyebrow before chuckling. "Of course I like Marinette she is my friend!" "No, I mean like as more than a friend dude." Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. But he loved ladybug! He glanced at Marinette behind him that seemed to be focused on her design book. Did she have a crush him?! No, that's not possible. Wasn't she dating Luka or something? Right! She had to be dating Luka.

Adrien pulled himself from his thoughts and tried to focus on the lesson. Tried being the operative word. He easily slipped into a daydream....

"POUND IT!""Great work today Chat!" "Thank you My Lady! And you did pawesome as always!" "Awww Chat, you're so amazing with your puns!" Chat Noir takes her hand in his and goes to one knee kissing her knuckles gently. "Your eyes are like starlight and I am but a ship lost at sea My Lady" Ladybug gasps as her eyes widen. "Chat noir?" Chat Noir stands up taking both her hands and looks deep into her bluebell eyes. "My Lady without your charming wit and stubborn beauty I would be lost and merely be a shell of who I am when I bask in your presence. Words fail me in describing how much you mean to my life. Would you like to be my Girl-"

"ADRIEN AGRESTE PAY ATTENTION!" Adrien almost fell out of his seat he was so startled by ms Mendeleiev shouting at him. "What was the question?" He asked stupidly. " I asked: Radio waves and X-rays are both on the electromagnetic spectrum. What do they have in common?" Adrien was glad he was a wiz at physics. "Both waves travel at the same speed." Ms Mendeleiev huffed "Correct but next time pay attention or you will receive detention!" Adrien slouched into his seat. How embarrassing he had allowed his head to wander! He was lucky the teacher was in a good mood.

However the rest of his day dragged by. Somehow he managed to get through fencing, a long photoshoot, another silent dinner and then practiced piano until 20 minutes prior to him and Ladybug meeting. Standing up and stretching he heard Plagg let out a sad moan. "Adrien im staarrrrving!" Adrien sighed as he made his way to where he kept the Camembert. "Plagg you know where your beloved cheese is..." "I know but I have no energy! Its been 20 minutes since I last ate and im low on energy!" Adrien sighed heavily as he made his way over to his kwami. "Hurry up Plagg I want to see Ladybug!" Plagg defied physics and ate the Camembert in one bite. "You mean your love bug?" Adrien rolled his eyes at his Kwami. Plagg may be a glutton for expensive cheese but he was always there for Adrien when he needed him most. "PLAGG-" "WAIT NO I'M STILL DIGESTING!" "-CLAWS OUT!"

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