Unusual Jewelry

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It had been a couple hours and Chat was having trouble keeping his eyes open.  Occasionally he would message Ladybug to break up his time but so far his father had only been working studiously on his tablet. Sighing he stretched for what felt like the thousandth time. At least his shoulder wasn't aching anymore. It was probably close to midnight, which he confirmed a moment later with his baton. "I knew it couldn't be father. He is too busy to be Hawkmoth." Chat said to himself as he stifled a yawn. He was about to call Ladybug and report this lead to be a bust when he saw his father grip his tie and pull it off revealing- Chat was suddenly very awake and zooming in with his baton as he saw his father whirl around and press a in several spots on the painting of his mother. With growing horror he watched as his father disappeared downward as if in an elevator. Suddenly everything was frozen in time. It couldn't be possible his father was Hawkmoth! But he had SEEN the miraculous beneath the cheap clip on tie. His father didn't DO cheap clothes. Slowly Chat started thinking back to all the Akuma attacks, all the times his father had been rude or harsh before an Akuma had appeared. The time where his bodyguard had been Akumatized and had released Ladybug so she could save him. Perhaps he cared but... Why would he need to Akumatize people? Snapping out of his realization he found himself at the crossroads of a decision, Tell Ladybug, or protect his father. After a long internal debate with himself he dialed a number. "Chat? what is it? For the 10th time I'm busy!" Chat paused a moment to steady his shaking hand before speaking. "Gabriel just went down an elevator." Hearing a long sigh on the other end of the line he heard, "I understand, but the man is rich, ive watched the mayor travel all over this hotel so unless-" "I saw his Miraculous!" a pause was heard over the line before Chat pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a breath. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean..." "It's okay Chat, I'm sorry for being so short with you, I'm on my way. Wait for me and don't go in alone. Please.."

Chat was left with a dial tone and tucked him baton away. He felt numb, he had made the decision to call Ladybug. At the end of the day she had never let him down, or lied to him. Other than their identities being secret, which they had discussed at length, and the fact they both knew how dangerous it was to know each others lives. She had always been truthful and honest with him. His father... he did as he was told and behaved. Hoping that maybe they could have dinner together and just talk. That was all he wanted after his mother... he just wanted his father back. But Ladybug? She had fallen into his life and been there. She trusted him and he would always be there for her. Even Marinette with her odd behaviors and busy life was there more for him than his father was. Suddenly he froze feeling a hand on his arm, he saw red and black out of the corner of his eye and relaxed. "You okay Chaton?" Taking in a breath he realized her hand was still on his arm. "I'm.. Yup. I am feline better now that you are here My Lady!" Forcing bravado on his face he looked at her. She was frowning, though whether it was from his pun or his silence he had no clue. Her face was scrunched up, wrinkling her nose making her look cute. He couldn't help but crack a smile at this face. "You sure? you seem upset and-" Surprise lit up her features and she reached for his face. Pure panic filled him. why was she reaching for his face?! Had she figured it out that Gabriel was his father?! Or had she- Her gloved hand wiped away a tear that he hadn't realized had slipped out. He was, crying? "Chaton, it will be okay. we will defeat Hawkmoth and we can start doing more normal hero stuff, or are you upset over something else?" He turned away before responding. "No... no! I know we will always be a team. I just... How could no one see?" "Chat? what-" Chat furrowed his brows and clenched his fists. "How could his own son not see how much pain he was in?! Adrien should have seen it..." Ladybug stood looking helpless as Chat was trying to control his emotions. It wouldn't do to become Akumatized as they were on the verge of defeating Hawkmoth. "Hang on we don't even know that Gabriel IS Hawkmoth. He could just be wearing sentimental jewelry and taking a break from designing-" Chat tensed before walking to the edge of the roof. He knew one easy route into his house. His open window. "Well I guess we should find out, right?" Leaping off the edge he vaulted towards the other side of the mansion. Ladybug stood there stunned. "Adrien...."

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