Hello M'lady....

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His thoughts swirled like an inferno, here this whole time not only had his own father been THE Hawkmoth, but he had kept his mother here. THIS WHOLE TIME. He withdrew his hand from the glass and with one last moment to etch the details of her face in his mind he turned. His eyes searched for Hawkmoth's face. He felt Ladybug put her hand on his shoulder and stand beside him. Glancing at her he saw determination set into her face. "How do you want to play this Chat?" "I think-" Hawkmoth seemed to choose that moment to pull out of his shock. "Adrien?! Wha- How- You are Chat Noir?!" Chat straightened and crossed his arms. "Yes, does that surprise you? Why... why would you do this?" Hawkmoth straightened his suit before responding. "Isn't it obvious? I need the miraculous. Join me Adrien! Convince Ladybug to hand over her miraculous. We can be a family again! I know which side you really choose." Hawkmoth went to take a step forward but halted when Chat threw an arm in front of Ladybug and growled. "Join you? Sure it hurt, losing mother, but father I needed you! All I wanted was for you to be there. Instead... Instead you did all this! You terrorize Paris, you put peoples lives in danger, and worst of all you don't even care you are hurting people!" Chat clenched his jaw. He knew he needed to control his anger but he was hurting. The only thing grounding him was Ladybug at his side. "Then you understand son. Your choice is obvious, Ladybug give me your miraculous." Hawkmoth was now walking closer and Chat stepped in front of her and closer to Hawkmoth. Could he really call this man his father? Still he had some shred of hope he could be reasoned with. He was face to face with Hawkmoth now. "You understand, you would do anything to be close to the one you love, do anything to make her laugh and smile. Anything to protect her. ANYTHING to have her be by your side!" Chat clenched his fists as Ladybug spoke. "Chat no! Calm down, don't listen to him!" Chat never once considered Hakwmoths method as a viable option for his mother. "You are wrong Hawkmoth." He spat "I don't need to protect Ladybug, she is capable of defending herself, but we are stronger together. I decided the moment I discovered you were Hawkmoth which side I was on. I picked the right side, and I trust Ladybug. She will never let me down... not like you... father."

Hawkmoth seemed taken aback by his words but quickly recovered. "I will help you see Adrien, what it takes to understand what loss is." Chat watched as Hawkmoth shoved an akuma butterfly straight at his bell. Too fast it all happened. He felt a jolt within his body at the same time he heard Ladybug yell and hug him from behind. Hawkmoth stepped back and smiled. "You WILL help me get the miraculous and we will be a family again Adrien! Ladybug is in the way and you know this!" Chat felt the most intense sensation of agony rip through his body causing him to let out a window shattering scream. Hawkmoth's voice was reverberating inside his skull! He barely felt Ladybug clinging to his back and only just barely made out the words she was yelling. "Chat! Adrien! Fight it! This isn't the way! Please!" Chat felt hot burning tears slide down his face as his fell to his knees and gripped his hair. Ladybug needed him! somehow he knew there was danger but- CHAT BLANC I GIVE YOU THE POWER OF ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION. TAKE LADYBUGS MIRACULOUS. Chat let loose yet another scream and felt Ladybug squeeze him tighter. His head was pounding and he was confused. Ladybug was here Shouldn't everything be okay? Then why was he in so much agony? Why was he crying? why- "Adrien! You promised! Please, fight it!" Yes he did promise Ladybug... something? What had he promised. Squeezing his eyes shut to stop the flow of tears he fought the searing pain in his skull. What had he promised? Who had he made a promise to? No! His Lady was here! She would save him... right? He had promised- YOU NEED YOUR MOTHER. DON'T YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY? Chat let out another scream and was now on his hands and knees. THAT'S IT GIVE IN. IF ONLY YOU TAKE THE MIRACULOUS WE CAN ALL BE HAPPY. Happy? Yes he wanted that. He promised to make someone happy? Was that it? He- Suddenly someone was lifting his head up. He felt hands on either side of his face. He saw blue eyes, familiar blue eyes. He felt the throbbing in his head lessen. "Chat Noir, come back to me. It's me, Ladybug, remember? Listen to my voice, It will be okay." The pain was lessening and his thoughts were clearing. Yes, this was Ladybug, his partner and the love of his- Suddenly he saw Ladybug yanked away from him and held by Hawkmoth. But before Hawkmoth could attempt anything, the pain overwhelmed Chat Noir and he lunged to his feet with a savage yell. Blinding light exploded everywhere, He felt everything all at once, all emotion, all physical sensations, and most of all he felt.... Then nothing. He blinked as he surveyed his surroundings. "Yes! Chat Blanc, take her Miraculous!" Icy Blue eyes snapped to the source of the voice that he now knew was reverberating in his head. "NO!" He saw a red and black suit in front of him. He saw tears streaming down her face. Then... ah he remembered but most of all... He needed her miraculous and he knew she could fix whatever was causing the severe ache in his heart that he didn't quite understand. Ladybug could bring back his mother, she could have fixed all of this and yet she hadn't. But he would help her understand that. She had to after all, she WAS a hero wasn't she? Ladybug took a step back as he gazed at her with feral intensity. "Chat Noir?" Chat Blanc grinned savagely. "Hello M'Lady..."

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