The book

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Chat enjoyed this feeling. The moment of weightlessness right after he reached the height of his vault. It was the closest happiness and freedom he felt, other than being around Ladybug. Ladybug just made everything right in the world. As he descended he cursed whatever boy had her heart. As much as he wanted her to love him back, he wanted her to love him of her own will. If he ever found out who the idiot was that was causing her such sadness... not that she ever said it made her upset but that one moment she admitted to loving someone as she turned to face her. He saw it, the raw emotion, of hurt and rejection. For a split second it was there and he wanted to beat some sense into "this boy" for breaking his bugaboos heart.

Before he knew it he was at the top of the Eiffel tower. He took in a breath and surveyed the entirety of Paris. It was beautiful with its lights at night... the city of love. And yet... he felt so alone. "Dumb Alley cat is late!" The voice of his lady echoed up to him from below. He looked down and smiled, watching her pacing form. Ladybug crossed her arms and looked around. Adorable.... But he wasn't here to admire the view. Shifting he dropped down right behind Ladybug. "Bonjour! Purrfect night!" Chat ducked and sidestepped just in time to dodge a right hook to his face. Ladybug whirled on him "CHAT! Don't scare me like that! You know I hate when you do that!" Chat started laughing at his Lady. Even angry she was beautiful. "My apologies Bugaboo! You wanted to meet?" Ladybug took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose before looking at Chat again. "Let me show you this book." Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo and pulled out a very large and old looking book. "M'lady! A book on your felines for me?" Chat leaned in and waggled his eyebrows. "Chat!" Chat pouted and looked away before muttering a quick sorry. "anyways... this is the book I was telling you about the other night. Here take a look."

Chat took the book and was surprised how heavy it was, looking down he saw the symbol on the front and his breath caught in his throat. This was his fathers book! But how did Ladybug come into possession of it?! The last he saw of it it had been in his bag and then... it disappeared. He had been with Lila? She did have a tendency for lying. But how was he holding this book?! And ladybug said is had something to do with hawk moths identity?! No it couldn't be his father... "Chat Noir?" Chat snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at Ladybug. Her hand rested on his arm, and any other time he would have been thrilled but his mind was in such turmoil. Her face held a look of concern. Blinking rapidly and trying to recover Chat looked at the book again and back at Ladybug before he responded. "What does this have to do with Hawk moth?" Ladybug removed her hand from his arm looking thoughtful. "I believe it belongs to him, ,though im unsure. I may have an idea but we need more evidence..." Chat studied her before looking back at the book. "Oh. Okay..." Ladybug looked at Chat startled by his lethargic response. "Chat? Are you okay?" Chat jerked his head up and planted a goofy grin on his face. "Of course LB! I'm purrrfectly feline dandy!" "Well... if your sure... I am going to check on some leads. I will contact you once I know more! I've got to head out but have a good night Chat!" Chat watches Ladybug swing away into the night before letting the book drop with a heavy thud. It couldn't be possible. Surely it was someone elses book? Yea that had to be it....

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