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     Adrien did not sleep at all the next few nights and he was a walking zombie during school and his extracurricular activities. Being yelled at my teachers, his fencing coach, and a stern lecture by his father had him worn down. And this was how Adrien found himself half asleep on his desk a week later. There had been another 2 Akuma attacks since the discovery of the book and he hadn't flirted or made a single pun for either of them. In fact he had left so fast after each fight he barely had time to fist bump his lady. He had arrived earlier than usual due to having a "sunrise" photo shoot. How they couldn't use artificial light was beyond him. Apparently the natural sunrise made his hair and eyes sparkle differently. Whatever. He was tired, he was stressed and he now regretted not spending more time with Ladybug. It wouldn't surprise him if she was relieved to not hear his puns. He placed his head on his crossed arms on the desk and let out a tired sigh. He saw Nino glance at him and smile wryly for a second before letting him alone. What a true friend, letting him nap before class. He had almost dozed of when there was a commotion. What now? Another attack?

     "All im saying is Ladybug is better off without that dirty sidekick of hers!" Oh. Chloe. Great. Adrien closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. At least Chloe left him alone if he was tired. "Chat noir is not her sidekick! They are a team! She needs him!" Alya? Well of course she would defend him she wouldn't dare say anything that couldn't get back to and upset ladybug. Adrien started to tune them out until... "Well I think we would all be grateful if he just stopped showing up! He wasn't even any help last akuma fight! Did you see how he got in Ladybugs way? If I were Ladybug I-" "HOW DARE YOU!" Adrien snapped his eyes open. Marinette? He looked past Nino who was staring at her mouth agape, along with Alya. "What? I'm just speaking the truth. She almost lost her miraculous because of him." Adriens heart sank. Chloe was right, if he hadn't- "If you watched the Ladyblog like you claim you do, you would notice that Chat Noir hasn't been himself lately! Clearly something is bothering him!" Marinette...noticed? Adrien sat up slightly to watch this unfold. Chloe started to huff and open her mouth to retort but Marinette cut her off. "I would be a little more grateful to our heroes. Chat Noir works just as hard if not more so than Ladybug and is a very valuable member of the team! And I bet if your butt was in danger he would save it, even with you trashing his good name!" and with that Marinette marched past Chloe and sat in her seat with a satisfied huff.

     Well one thing for sure. He was going to visit Marinette tonight. If anyone understood what he was going through it would be her. Ladybug would but she had her own problems plus she didn't want them talking about their identities. Adrien was in a much better mood now. Trust Marinette to always cheer him up! Turning in his seat he tapped on her desk to get her attention. Startled Marinette dropped her pencil that she was using to work on a design. Chuckling Adrien picked it up and handed it to her. "Do you really think so highly of Chat Noir?" Marinette blinked a few times before responding. "Well I mean, I just..." Adrien cocked his head to the side. Was she intimidated by him? "I just feel that Ladybug wouldn't be who she is without Chat Noir. He gives her the ability to trust in him and get what needs to get done well done! She needs Chat Noir.... Ya know?" Adrien nodded...wait what? She must have seen the confused look on his face cause she giggled "There is no Ladybug without Chat Noir." Adrien felt a smile slowly surface. Marinette truly was a wonderful friend.... "Thanks Marinette... its been a really rough week. Believe it or not that really cheered me up hearing you say that!" Adrien gave her his award winning smile and was about to turn back around when Marinette spoke again. "Adrien? You know you can talk to me about anything...right?" Adrien blinked in surprise. Had she... no he was always careful, there was no way she knew. "Of Course!" He turned back around and faced the front. Why did he feel all warm from hearing her say that? It sounded so familiar. One thing for sure, after patrol, he was going to visit Marinette....

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