No Ladybug without Chat Noir

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Chat leaped skillfully to the roof opposite his room and was preparing to launch through the window when he felt a tug on his tail causing him to pause and look back. Ladybug was looking at him with his belt tail in her hands. "Shouldn't we be careful that Adrien might be in there?" Confusion overwhelmed Chat, how did she know where his room was? "I saw this window cracked open earlier. How do you know it could be Adrien Agreste room?" Chat half turned to look at Ladybug and watched as a wide range of emotions crossed her face. "W-wel-l-ll, I just assumed t-t-ha-at. Ahem there is a Basketball hoop, rock climbing wall, and impressive media library. Any guy would drool over such a room. right?" He thought for a moment. Why had he questioned Ladybug? She was always right and knew so many things. So talented. Snapping out of his thoughts he responded. "Riiight. Anyways see the window? I figured with a house this secured since it was opened from the inside it might be our best bet to get inside. ....just in case." Chat muttered the last part but apparently Ladybug had superior hearing too. "Chat it will be okay. IF he is Hawkmoth, we will get him to return his Miraculous and let the local police handle the rest, and take care of Adrien too." Chat nodded. She was right. He could deal with the actual facts after they accomplished saving Paris from Hawkmoth. He could sort through all his complicated feelings then. Maybe Since Marinette knew his identity so maybe she could help him through it... "Alright, lets go Bugaboo!" Chat stated before leaping off the roof and through the window thus opening it for Ladybug. Pausing he surveyed his room. Would it be different afterwards? or would he say goodbye to his lavish lifestyle? It won't matter regardless as long as Ladybug and Marinette remained in his life he would get through this somehow. He would deal with his Father being Hawkmoth somehow. After all he could visit, he wasn't losing his dad like he had his mother... Straightening up once he heard the soft thump of Ladybug land beside him he heard her comment after a quick survey of the room. "Are you sure you didn't see Adrien in here? He could-" Don't worry I know he is gone." Ladybug put her hands on her hips and looked at him. "Are you su-" Chat strode his way to the door. The faster they got this over with the faster he could figure out what to do. "Let's go find Hawkmoth." He stepped through the door and listened for a moment before making his way to the grand staircase. halfway down he heard Ladybug swiftly catching up to him. Normally he would let her take the lead but he wanted answers. "How do you know where you are going? This place is huge!" Chat slowed at the bottom of the stairs and turned right towards his fathers study. "You said stakeout so I did my research and looked up the layout of the house." He heard Ladybug give a sound of surprise as he tried the door and finding it locked. "It's locked. Wha-" Ladybug leapt forward and gave a kick and the door handle snapped off with a thud and a clink. Chat froze listening hard for any response as Ladybug just waltzed into the room. Following her inside he wandered over to the painting of his mother as he swished his tail behind him. "Where did you say the elevator was?" Stepping forward he ran his clawed hands over the painting, surprised at the hardness of it before his fingers pressed in the same set of buttons his father had pressed. He gave a startled yelp and spun around to Ladybug leaping sideways as a hole opened up revealing a platform in front of his fathers design podium. "Good job Chat. Are you ready?" Chat looked at Ladybug in thought. He had to tell Ladybug who he was. He trusted her and he couldn't let anything distract them in this fight. "M'lady I have something I need to tell you first. My identity-" "I know Adrien." Chat started at her words. How did she know? Had she figured out his behavior? Ladybug faced him fully. "It's okay. What matters right now is taking down Hawkmoth. I know this has to be killing you..." Ladybug shifted and looked away. "We can talk all about it afterwards, this doesnt change how I see you. If anything, I really admire you. I know you are in turmoil in your head about this. If it was my father... I-" Chat was stunned, not only did she know his identity somehow, but she was more worried about him than Hawkmoth. Stepping forward he pulled her into a hug. No matter how he felt about his father this is what mattered. Ladybug didn't judge him as Adrien, or even as Chat Noir. He was just her partner and she cared for him. "Hey, I know its you and me against the world. It always works in our favor. Your luck and my good looks make a perfect fighting team!" Ladybug stepped back, and Chat let her and looked at him. "We have ALOT to discuss once this is all over, and don't think you can run away from it! But Chat, please promise me you will be careful... I couldn't lose you before, and as it turns out, I can't and don't want to lose you." Chat felt warmth spread through his body. He could always make it as long as his lady believed in him. Even if she loved another boy, as long as she was by his side he would be the best he could be. "You won't ever lose me M'lady. Cats honor!" Ladybug smiled a heart stopping smile. "There is no Ladybug without Chat Noir. Let us go finish this!" Chat and Ladybug stepped onto the platform and it started to move down. He would always be there for her...

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