To Bake or Not to Bake

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Taylor has a break from the 1989 tour rehearsals and invites Grace over for the day.


April 4, 2015 - Tribeca, New York

Taylor Swift: heyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Grace Kent: lol what do you want?

Taylor Swift: i was hoping my girlfriend isn't too busy to come and hang out with me today??

Grace Kent: oh dang she must be pretty cool if you want to hang out with her.

Taylor Swift: come over? pleaseeee

Grace Kent: okay what time? i have a training session at 11

Taylor Swift: asap i don't have rehearsals today

Grace Kent: okay like 12:30?

Taylor Swift: asap!

Grace Kent: okay <3

Taylor Swift: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Three hours later there was a knock on Taylor's door, she excitedly opened it up and quickly shut it behind Grace with a wide smile on her face, "Hi!"

Grace smiled before Taylor wrapped her arms around the brunette's waist and gently kissed her lips, "Hey, can I borrow your shower? I came right from work."

"Only if you wear my clothes when you come out."

"Deal," Grace kissed her again before going upstairs, Taylor trailing behind her, "Are you joining me?"

Taylor shrugged, "I was planning on waiting for you in my room but if you want me to, I can."

"Maybe later," the younger girl chuckled, "Can you pick something out for me?"

"To wear?"

Grace nodded affirmatively as she walked over to the bathroom, Taylor smiling mischievously before the trainer added, "Uh... maybe I should pick out something for myself then."

The blonde shook her head with a small chuckle, "No, I got it. Enjoy your shower, honey."

Grace loved when Taylor used any sort of cute name on her, lightly walking over from the bathroom door with a grin and attacking Taylor in a hug.

"You're melting my heart," Taylor whispered as she returned the embrace.

"Good," Grace laughed against the crook of her girlfriend's neck, although they had only been officially dating for less than two weeks, she was in deep.

Grace tilted her head out and up, connecting their lips with slightly pink cheeks, she could feel Taylor smile against her mouth which in turn made her do the same.

When Grace got out of the shower she was pleased to find a pair of leggings and pullover set out for her on the bed (not the lingerie she was afraid to come out to) and Taylor was no where to be found, meaning she could change without Taylor's eyes tracing her.

She slipped on the clothes and left the bedroom to find Taylor sitting in the hallway petting Meredith, tripping on them right outside the door.

"Shit," Grace mumbled as she fell onto Taylor's lap, "I'm so sorry."

Taylor laughed, wrapping Grace up and pulling her close, "Are you okay?"

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