Teenage Illness Part 2

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A requested part two of Alyssa being sick :)


"Taylor!" Grace yelled, "Please get your ass in here!"

Alyssa has been constantly calling Taylor for the past few minutes despite Grace already being right next to her. The brunette no longer cared if the soup wasn't far from being done, she needed Taylor to come and stop the incessant pleading.

"Why won't she come cuddle me too?" Alyssa whined, snuggling in close to Grace and pulling the blanket around her better.

"She's making you some soup, if you wait a few more minutes you can eat some and have a little nap."

Taylor gave Alyssa nighttime medicine in hopes of knocking her out for a few hours but the teenager had puked it up before it could do it's job and she refused to take another dose.

"I don't want soup," the girl sighed, "I want Mama."

"You are such a big baby," Grace chuckled, "I'm sure she won't be very long, sweetheart."

"I just don't feel good and Mama sings to me."

"I know, you liked her singing to you when I was pregnant with you too. Even her talking, you used to kick the crap out of me every time she would talk."

"Did it hurt?"

"When you used to kick me?" Alyssa nodded, "Not really, it was more like tapping unless you hit my bladder or ribs. Liam's hurt more, but he was bigger than you and his legs were pointed at right at ribs for a long time."

"I want to have a baby someday," Alyssa said softly, "I want to find a nice boy and get married and be happy like you and Mama."

"I'm sure you will, you kids are honestly the best thing your mom and I ever did," Grace replied before she yawned.

"Sorry I ruined your day off, you deserve it and I feel bad."

"Nonsense, we'd much rather spend some time with you and make you feel better. And look, there we go, soup," she said as Taylor entered the room with three bowls of soup on a tray.

"Sorry, kiddo. I heard you calling but I was picking the celery out of Mommy's bowl so she could eat some too," Taylor said as she set it down on the coffee table and passed the first one to the teenager.

Grace despised celery, and Taylor was always kind enough to scoop it out for her.

"I wanted you to sing to me," Alyssa frowned slightly, "Thank you for the soup."

"I'll sing to you in a little bit."


They quietly ate and watched the movie on the screen, sometimes Grace would look over at Alyssa and smile softly, she looked so peaceful in her half-awake state settled between the two parents, shifting every few minutes from one shoulder to the other.

It wasn't very long before Alyssa finally fell asleep against Taylor's side, clutching the pink bear Taylor had brought home for her and snoring occasionally.

"She's so precious," Grace whispered to her wife.

"I know... sometimes I wish we had more girls because the boys aren't really like this."

"We could always adopt a seventh," Grace teased, "Or retrieve another one your eggs and select the gender of the embryo instead of telling them to surprise us."

"We don't need more kids, she's right," Taylor chuckled, trying to get a better look at the teenager pressed against her side.

Grace was trying to sneak a picture of the adorable scene beside her, moving to try and get a better angle.

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