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I used a prompt generator for the first time so this is a series of unconnected scenes that I didn't think were big enough to have their own chapters, however I was excited to write about.

There's no real time period to these, they float around.


When Grace had bought the house in London, she and Taylor weren't living together yet and she had never expected the blonde to actually come out and visit the home, due to Taylor's busy schedule.

She had actually bought the house so Taylor could avoid her parents on the off chance she did make it out for more than one night while on a stop for tour, but without realizing it, she had kind of tailored the house to Taylor.

It started off simply, the garage door opener's password was 1989, it was too easy to guess Grace's birth year, no one would ever suspect Taylor's.

The code to the safe was Taylor's birthday, 121389 and her phone password was already their anniversary, March 25th.

A few other things fell into place like that, she noticed there was thirteen stairs from the first floor to the second, which she had actually texted Taylor about once.

Taylor just laughed at her and said it was funny.

But Grace had accidentally revolved her life around Taylor, and that house was not an exception.

So on their one year anniversary trip, when Taylor stayed at Grace's house for the first time instead of just crashing for the night while on tour, she realized she didn't know the wifi password.

Grace was upstairs in the shower and Taylor was sprawled out on the couch with a stomach full of pizza and garlic bread, wondering if she should be nosy and look through Grace's notes or not.

Technically they were engaged (no rings, because Taylor was a wimp and still hadn't bought one) and she knew Grace had nothing to hide, but she didn't want to seem like that kind of fiancé that went through her girl's phone to see if she was cheating or something crazy.

Fuck it.

Taylor reached forward for Grace's phone before sighing, she couldn't. It felt like such an invasion of privacy.

Instead, she just decided to type things into the wifi password entry to see if she could guess while she waited for Grace to come back downstairs.

Michael was wrong, their anniversary, Grace's middle name, Grace's birthday were wrong, too.

Eventually she decided she would never get it so she was simply messing around, putting in random things.


And suddenly she was connected to the wifi.

She started laughing, just as Grace came back into the room.

"What's so funny?" The brunette asked as she entered the living room wearing one of Taylor's sweaters and plaid pyjama bottoms.

"Why is my name your wifi password?!" Taylor giggled, looking up at Grace with a smile.

The heiress instantly blushed, sitting down and moving Taylor's legs out of the way before allowing her fiancé to put them back over her lap so she could keep laying down.

"Uh- I love you?"

"Grace," Taylor was still smiling widely, "How many things is my name the password to?"

Grace thought for a moment, Taylor didn't ask it as a serious question but she quickly found out she was going to get a serious answer.

"My computer, my email, my Instagram, my tumblr, the child safety lock on the dishwasher, the wifi of course. Let me think... my banking app-"

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