Michael and the Kids

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A request for how Michael and the kids are introduced and how the kids go and talk to his grave. I can't summarize but I promise this request was fun to write and hopefully it's fun to read.

I'm working on a lot of requests so if you've got something waiting it is in the works! Just need a little time, I'm actually renovating my entire house with just me and one other person so days are crazy but nights I'm here!


March 11, 2035 - London, England

"I think they're old enough," Grace walked out of the bathroom of their London house, a toothbrush half dangling out of her mouth as she helped Taylor undo her necklace.

"Are you sure? We took Alyssa when she was a baby and it was okay but it's kind of always been your alone thing," Taylor asked softly, "J is only three, do you think he's going to be well enough behaved?"

"It's the thirty year anniversary of his death, I'd kind of like to bring our kids to meet him. I know it's weird—"

"I get it," Taylor cut her off, "Same reason you wanted to bring me after we got engaged."

"You're my family and he's always been really close to my heart even though he's passed on," she spit from the toothbrush and rinsed her mouth out, "I talk about you all when I go visit him but I don't know, I'm really proud of the life we've built together and I'd like him to see it. Maybe if we are given next lives or second chances, he'll remember that even when things are hard, you can still find something good from it and grow."

"Because you got out, you had a family even when you felt like growing up you didn't have one. You've got a heart full of love and even though he's not here, you still love him after all this time. I know how you think, honey."

Grace nodded, "I know you get my brain, just felt good to explain it."

"Mhmm, well okay. Tomorrow we'll load them up and take them to meet your brother before Landon's birthday lunch."

"Thank you."

Taylor offered a smile, "I'd do anything for you, baby girl."

Grace curled into Taylor's neck, "You've been calling me that for like nineteen years and I still melt every time you do."

Taylor wrapped her arms around Grace's waist and held her close, kissing the part of her forehead accessible with the brunette nuzzled against her skin, "Because you're my princess, my baby, my honey, my love, my darling, my everything, my—"

"Stop it, you're not getting laid."

"I'm always going to try."

The next morning during breakfast, they talked to the kids about doing something Grace had never really talked about for.

"So you had a brother," Alyssa began with furrowed eyebrows, "A twin, like Nicky and Nate and he died...?"

Grace nodded, "When he was just about Liam's age, yeah. He died very unexpectedly, and I was upset about it for a long time and didn't talk about it. I go visit his grave by myself sometimes, or Mama comes with me very rarely, but today is the day when it's been thirty years since he died and I was hoping that you guys could come with me and say hi. I just go and talk to him, tell him about you kids and stuff. So if we can be respectful and well behaved, whether you are three or fifteen, can I take you to meet my brother?"

The kids all agreed, and it wasn't long before they pulled into the cemetery entrance and everyone promised to be on their best behaviour once again.

They stood in a little half-circle, the older kids reading the tombstone and Grace cleared the snow off of it and set down the flowers.

"Hey, Michael, I brought the Brady Bunch with me today," Grace began, it was weird to talk to him in front of so many people, "Even baby J, who's actually not so little anymore."

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