Taylor's Cravings and Nightmares

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Taylor is in her late first trimester with the twins and gets her first craving.

August 14, 2025 - London, England

Taylor couldn't sleep, it didn't matter which side she laid on, if she was cuddled up to her wife or not, sleep didn't feel like it would ever come.


All of a sudden, fries sounded like the best thing in the entire world— not the kid friendly ones Grace had been making, the good, greasy ones from a restaurant.

The singer glanced at the clock on the end table, seeing it just after midnight, Grace was fast asleep next to her.

She used to wake me up...

She also took care of the kids all day while I was at the studio.

"Baby," Taylor said softly as she placed her hand on Grace's shoulder, hearing the heiress' breathing hitch as she woke up.

"Hmm?" Grace replied as she rolled over to face the blonde.

"Do we have any french fries in the freezer?"

"No," the younger girl mumbled as she pulled the blanket up closer to her face, shutting her eyes again.

"Do we have potatoes?"


"If we have potatoes will you make me real fries? Not the gross oven ones you make for Maddie and Alyssa."

"Now?" Grace groggily asked as she opened her eyes once more.

"I really want some," Taylor smiled weakly, feeling guilty for waking Grace up.

"Okay," the heiress sighed, pushing the blanket off and getting out of bed, "If we don't have any potatoes left I'll run out and find a store or restaurant. I'll be back."

"You're the best."

"I know," Grace yawned.

"I love you," Taylor said, getting out of bed and following Grace down to the kitchen where she sat on a barstool as the brunette rinsed and chopped a few potatoes. She wasn't tired anyways, she just really was craving fries.

Grace worked quickly and quietly as Taylor swung her legs back and forth, the heiress teasing, "If you wake me up in the middle of the night to get you an apple, I'm ignoring you."

"Baby number one!" Taylor smiled at the memories, "I said that to you, didn't I?"

"Yes," Grace laughed, "Now she's six years old and I can't get her to eat an apple for the life of me."

"She's so going to give us a run for our money when she's a teenager. I can see it now," the blonde sighed, propping her head up on her elbows as Grace glanced at her over her shoulder, heating up oil.

"Alyssa's a bitch. I'm sorry but—"

"She is!"

"She didn't even give me a hug before bed tonight, she told me she was too old for it and tucked herself in."

Taylor dropped her jaw, "Cold. Just cold."

Grace snickered at the response before asking, "How do you think she'll feel when she finds out she's not only getting another sibling, but two?"

"World War Alyssa."

"Screaming, crying, perfect storms?" Grace smiled widely at her wife.

"Might be a good idea to wear protective gear, bolt down the tables... Get Parker to hold her back."

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