Driving Lessons Turned Confessions

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"I told you we shouldn't have used Alyssa's car!" Taylor exclaimed as she and Grace stood in front of the grey vehicle that had a crinkled up front end after connecting with a pole.

"Well, she wasn't driving my car!" Grace replied, "You teach the kids in the shittiest one, obviously. Things like this happen!"

"I'm sorry," Madeline said as she paced alongside the vehicle, her arms folded over her chest while she fought tears.

"I already said don't worry about it," Taylor said to their daughter, "We have insurance, this car was super cheap and old anyways. Why do you think we let your sister drive it? It's my fault."

Alyssa had Taylor's driving skills, which was why she had such car. It was old enough that the parents weren't worried about taking it to teach Maddie in, since she had just turned fifteen and could finally learn to drive.

Thirty Minutes Before

"Can't Joe teach me?"

Taylor laughed, "No, Mom and I said we would teach you and we're going to. We taught Alyssa and she went through like six months of driving school too. It'll be fine, we're going to go find a big empty parking lot and all you have to do is not hit a pole."

"Seriously, can't Joe teach me?" Maddie asked again, her vibrant green eyes staring at her Mom who was sitting in the backseat while Taylor drove. Somehow the teenager got the passenger seat.

"Madeline," Grace sighed, "We can totally teach you how to drive. It's really fun and then you won't have to get Lucas to come pick you up in the middle of the night, you can just sneak out and take the car."

Maddie's jaw dropped, "You know about that?"

Both girl's laughed, "Of course we do, you think that your birth control replaces itself every month? We're not old enough for grandkids."

"Mama's right, we know. You seen to forget his headlights shine right into our window and the security camera's beep when there is activity in the driveway," Grace added.

Madeline buried her face in her hands, "I'm so sorry, never again."

"You'll do it again," Taylor said, "And don't you think that if we had an issue with it we would have stopped you by now? Personally, I'd rather you sneak off to his house than try and have sex under the bleachers at the school," she glanced at Grace in the rear view mirror.

"There are no bleachers at his school."

"I know," Grace mumbled, "That's why we let you date him."

"What?" Madeline questioned.

"Mom's being silly. Anyways, use protection, always take your pill on time, don't let him pressure you into something you don't want to do. We know you're going to have sex but please be the responsible girl we raised, alright?"

"Ugh," Maddie groaned, "Can we please change the subject?"

"We can do your speech now if you want? I can grade it on my phone," Grace suggested, obviously teasing her daughter.

Grace loved homeschooling and she managed to make time for it regardless of where she and the kids were, Nashville was currently their home base but that didn't mean she didn't give math tests on a plane.

"So, Mama," Madeline smiled, avoiding Grace's question, "Are you going to release another album?"

"Uh— maybe? I'm not working on anything right now. Stop trying to change the subject, Mom asked you a question."

"I was kidding, she's a ball of nerves and we just embarrassed her. I don't really need her to give a speech on the Second World War right now."

"Lucas and I aren't having sex," Madeline blurted out.

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