Chapter 48

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Cody, Obi-wan, the captain of the ship and yourself all huddle around the table analyzing the battle as it unfolds.

"Our forces are being overrun. The droids are sending out boarding parties." The captain informs. As soon as he says that the ship violently shakes and you barely keep standing.

"We must get to the main hanger to repel them." Obi-wan commanded. Cody, Obi-wan and yourself then all ran out of the bridge towards the main hanger. You had made it to the main hanger to see one of the clone fighters plummeting onto the ship in a ball of flames. You looked behind it to see many droid gunships landing along with another command shuttle. The battle droids detached from the ship and started marching towards your position in the right hand side of the hanger. Then out of the command shuttle you saw General Grievous behind two of his guards. You gulped at seeing this evil droid for the first time.

You ignited your lightsaber and so did your father and started to deflect the blaster fire from the droids. Your forces were slowly being pushed back. Then Grievous started to emerge from among his droids. He stood over a clone with one of his blue lightsabers ignited. Your forces were now completely overrun and the battle came to a short standstill. Grievous released an evil cackle while impaling the clone in the chest with his mechanical feet. You let out a whimper and a small 'no' at the killing.

"They're just clones young one. You don't need to feel compassion for their death!" Grievous cackled eyeing you down.

"You'll regret that." you answered back. You then ran at the general and he ignited his green second blade. You locked lightsabers with him and immediately felt the strength he had. You jumped backwards to get out of his range. Your father then came to join you in fighting the general. You advanced and took a few swings at him which he blocked. He swung back quickly but you were able to duck out of the way. You were soon behind him with Obi-wan on the other side and the battle around you had resumed. Grievous then let out another loud cackle. His arms then broke into two and he grabbed more lightsabers from his waist. He now had ignited 4 blades, ready to take you both on.

Grievous swung his blades violently in every direction. You were able to block them all since he really had no intent with each swing. Your father took charge and started to push Grievous back into you. You took swings at his abdomen which he was able to block with two of his lightsabers behind his back. All three of you continued moving backwards until your back hit a parked gunship, which had dead clones littered around. So you jumped in the air and landed beside your father. All 6 blades started colliding quickly and dangerously close to harming any of you. Then your blade locked with two of Grievous' and so did Obi-wan. All you could hear was the screeching sound of the lightsabers. You looked to your father and you could tell you both had the same idea. You both nodded simultaneously and flipped backwards out of the lock up. You turned off your weapon and pushed both hands out to push Grievous, so did your father.

You looked to see the droid general be shot back into the ship with incredible force making the whole ship move backwards. He dropped all of his lightsabers and you could tell that he was badly damaged. Just as you were about to run to him to finish him off, his droid forces caved in on your position. Hundreds of droids shooting at you. You quickly ignited your blade and started to back up. There was no chance that you could block all of these shots so you had to retreat.

"General that ship." Cody screamed gesturing to a broken gunship. You walked back and used the force to slide the ship in front of you. You pulled it while Obi-wan defended you standing just in front of you. The ship eventually covered your position.

"Retreat!" you yelled, and you all ran back inside the ship, making your way towards the escape pods.

"This is General Kenobi. Abandon ship! Abandon ship!" your father screamed into his comm.

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