Chapter 87 | Master

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Here you were, sneaking around the senate building. You stayed close to the walls and took extra care whenever you would go around a corner, you didn't know if you would be able to pull yourself to kill any more clones.

By now you knew that Ahsoka and your father would have escaped the senate and would be well on their way to Padmé's apartment. You just hope that they won't into any trouble.

But you couldn't focus on them right now. You had to focus on finding anyone. For the past hour or so, there has been no noise besides your light footsteps and heavy breathing.

By now the sun had set on Coruscant, meaning there was barely any light to guide you around the dark long hallways. But as you continue to search the building, you couldn't help but think that maybe...maybe there was no one left. But that thought quickly left your mind as you heard voices.

"We've spotted Plo Koon nearby, we believe he is just a floor below us." A clone said.

"Good, but remember, any sight of (y/n) Kryze or Ahsoka Tano and we all must move on their position. The two of them are our top priority."

"Yes Sir!"

You heard the shuffle of movement, as the clones moved on in search of your Master. But you had to find him first. You took a quick peak around the corner to see a group of clones, 16 to be exact, marching their way towards a stair well. You look in the opposite direction and another squad of clones were doing the same.

Since they were quite a distance away you decided to take a risk. You ignited Ahsoka's small lightsaber, the hallway you were in lighting up in blue. With a quick thrust you jammed the lightsaber as deep as you could into the floor. You slowly pushed the blade to make a circle in the floor.

Once the circle was complete, you deactivated the lightsaber and watched the large cylinder of brick fall to the ground of the floor below. You winced at the crashing sound it made, but you were hopeful no one would have heard it.

You jumped through the whole you had made and felt your feet hit the floor below. You immediately checked your surroundings for any clones, or Master Plo. But there was no one. So, you started your search. You headed off in a random direction, hoping that you will stumble upon him.

You approached a small bridge. It hovered over a library on the floor below. You crouched down as you made your way across the bridge. You peaked your head over the railing to see if anyone was in the library. And there was. Positioned at the back of the library were two clones from the 327th Star Corps. A scout trooper set up with a sniper rifle and a clone commander besides him.

"Commander Bly, I've spotted the target." The scout trooper informed.

"Take the shot before he's out of sight." Bly replied. The realization quickly set in.

"No!" You screamed. You jumped off of the bridge right on top of the two clones. You heard a shot being fired just as you landed.

"It's (y/n)!" Bly yelled. You sliced the sniper rifle in half, before you pushed both of the troopers into the bookshelves behind them, knocking them unconscious immediately. You shut off both of the lightsabers in your hands before turning in the direction they were facing.

And through just a small archway you saw him.

"Master." You breathed. Throwing all caution to the wind you sprinted for your life towards him. He was laying up against a wall almost motionless.

(I recommend listening to this for this scene)

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