Chapter 52

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Dead silence. That was all there was. Maul sat in his throne eyeing down your father as he is being guarded by two of Maul's soldiers. To the left of Maul was your mother kneeling on the ground, terrified, worried, afraid of what is it to come. Next to her was the puppet prime minister Almec. To Maul's right was you, kneeling beside his throne as his brother Savage stood behind you. You also had the same feelings as your mother. While also feeling regret for coming here, when your father, who knows best told you not to.

"Your noble flaw is a weakness, shared by you, your son and your Duchess." Maul said with his most calming voice, truly showing the chaos and mayhem that goes on in the monsters mind. Maul stood up slowly, he eyed Kenobi down and shot him a soft smile. While continuing to look at your father Maul raises his left hand in the air, along with your mother. Maul started to choke her. She couldn't do anything to prevent it, and neither could you. If you so much as moved Savage would instantly strike you down without hesitation.

"You should have chosen the dark side. Master Jedi." Maul hissed. He walked down the few steps to the throne closer to your father while bringing Satine with him.

"Your emotions...betray you." Maul said as he got closer to your father and your mother started to really struggle.

"Your fear...and yes...your anger. Let your anger deepen your hatred!" Maul hissed, his voice now booming louder.

"Don't listen to him, Obi." your mother managed to say while she continued to be choked.

"Mother, don't try to talk." you consoled.

"Quiet!" Savage grunted as he smacked the back of your head with his lightsaber hilt. You bowed your head in pain and stared at the ground in front of you.

"You..can kill me. But you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it!" Your father hissed, you could hear the small amount of anger growing in his voice.

"It is more powerful than you know." Maul replied.

"And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be!" Obi-wan continued. You look back up to see Maul grow with anger, him clenching his teeth and letting out a small sinister groan.

"I know where your from, I've been to your village. I know the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours. The knight sisters made it for you."

"Silence!" Maul screamed.

"You think you know me? It was I who languished for years, thinking of nothing but you!" Maul cursed, as he walked closer to Obi-wan leaving your mother hanging in the air above the steps.

"Nothing but...this moment." Maul continued as he gestured towards your mother. Who was know on her last breaths.

"And now, the perfect tools for my vengeance are in front of us. I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain." Maul hissed once again.

"And using the two people you hold dearest to your heart, I think I should be satisfied." Maul said finally with a large grin. The moment grew tense, and you feared the worst. Your father took a step closer to the throne and was immediately thrown to his knees by the two Mandalorians. Maul's grin grew even bigger as in his right hand, the Mandalorian blade, the Darksaber was ignited to reveal the black blade, the darkest black you have ever seen. You watched as Maul's hand that suspended your mother in the air closed. Which rushed her towards him...

You heard the quick yelp of your mothers voice while you saw the black blade protruding through her back. Your eyes filled with tears and you started to breathe heavily as the tears rolled down your face. You also knew that you would meet the same fate.

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