Chapter 88 | Commanders

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3rd Person

"Lord Vader, go to the temple of the Jedi...and kill all remaining Jedi as well as the traitorous Maul." Sidious informed his new apprentice who knelt down before him.

"Yes, my master." Lord Vader replied. He quickly stood back up and paced out of the chancellor's office, making his way outside of the Senate building.

Once he had gotten outside his commander was waiting for him.

"Rex, I want all of the 501st with me, we are going to storm the Jedi temple." Vader informed him.

"Yes, Sir." Rex replied as he always does to any order. Rex went off to collect his men while Vader made his way to the ship that he had arrived in just a few hours ago.

Lord Vader quickly left the scene of the battle to go and create a new one. And once he had arrived at the temple entrance, everything seemed perfectly fine, just like a normal night at the Jedi temple. But Vader knew morning would not come in such peace for the Jedi.

After a short wait his commander approached him.

"Lord Vader, we have arrived, and we are ready." He informed Vader. Vader turned around and he grinned at the sight in front of him, hundreds of 501st troopers, ready for battle.

"Let's go." Vader spoke softly to his commander.

Vader then started making his way up the steps of the temple, he placed his hood over his head and drew his lightsaber out, readying himself for a night of killing with his loyal commander right beside him, both pistols held at the ready.

The consistent thumping of boots against the floor, shook the temple entrance, and the few Jedi that were still inside could feel the darkness arriving.

Once inside lord Vader peeled away from his battalion in the direction of the temple Jail. As he walked down the center of the hallway one padawan happened to turn the corner. The young padawan noticed Vader...or as he knew him...Master Skywalker, but he was confused by his hooded appearance and lightsaber at the ready.

"M-master Skywalk-" Caleb Dume's voice was silenced when Lord Vader ignited his blue blade and sliced the padawan across his chest, killing him instantly. Vader deactivated his lightsaber and continued on with the way he was going, towards the jail.

Once he had arrived at the jail, he messed with the controls to open the sealed steel door. Once the door was opened, he entered the dimly lit room and walked to the side of a large Mandalorian trap. After a few taps of some buttons the trap opened to reveal a stressed and shocked Maul.

"I knew it. I knew (y/n) wouldn't have been able to stop y-" This time Maul's voice was cut off after Vader's blue blade penetrated the Zabrak's chest. Vader gave his blade one final twist in the chest of Maul which was successfully in killing of the traitorous Sith.

A small smile tugged on the lips of Vader, because now he knew...there was only two.

(y/n) POV

You opened your eyes at the sound of the blaster. You quickly looked down to your chest but saw nothing. You turn your gaze to Op in front of you and you could see the steam emitting from his chest.

Op looked down to the wound and back to your eyes. His eyes told you nothing, not a thing. Then his body collapsed.

"Op!" You screamed as you caught him in your arms. You turned him around to face you, but it was too late for a final interaction.

His eyes were open, but he stared blankly at the space above him. You placed your hand over his mouth and chest to check for any vitals but...there weren't any.

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