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Hey y'all!! So this is my first book on Wattpad. I hope y'all Wattpaders would love it❤️

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So you might find typographical errors (typos), grammatical blunders, whichever and however you call it, you get the idea of what I'm saying. Sorry 'bout that. I'll try edit... One day... But feel free to point out any typo or grammatical blunder, you find in this book. You can either tell me in the inline comment section or pm me, telling me the chapter and paragraph, tho' I personally prefer the latter.

I really hope you enjoy.

Please vote. #YourVoteMatters #YVM. Thanks.


I don't appreciate plagiarism. I mean, someone sits down, racks her brain, thinking of what to write, something good pops up, she writes it and publishes it, only to found out that her book has been plagiarized. It doesn't make sense at all. I'm strongly against plagiarism. Or rather, pirating. If I find out my book has been pirated, trust me when I say this; IMMA REPORT YA!!  Oh and dear readers, if you see my book on any platform or app with Wattpad as an exception, then please, do let me know. Or if you see this book published on Wattpad in any other profile except PrincessTee♥ dat_ebonygurl, then please, let me know. Thank you. I know I can count on my dear readers.

And also, no destructive criticism (if that's a thing. But either way, you get the point). Constructive criticism is allowed. I don't want anyone telling me shitty things about my work. Reviews are allowed.

Published on Saturday 18th July 2020. 11am WAT🕚.

If there's one thing you can help me do as a reader, it's to read, vote, comment and share.



Stay Safe😷


Over And Out✌✌

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