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This chapter is  dedicated to Vickygold14. Thanks a bunch for your votes and comments. Thanks hun😚. Please check out her book; Walking In Flames. You're gonna love it.


▪Mrs Laura Grey's POV▪


"Oh no! I hope Kevin didn't go for that Tournament? I hope Jeremy didn't take him there? I called his phone earlier, only to find out it was switched off. If he really did go, then his life is at risk. His life is in grave danger. If only he knew. It's high time he knew he has..." I said to myself, but was interrupted by someone.

"Mom have you found a solution to Kevin's problem?" Natalia said.

"No." I replied. "I really wish I could find a solution." I said in a disheartened manner.

"But you and dad have been travelling for that reason; to find a solution to his problem. Yet, the result is nothing." Natalia said. I could hear and see the sadness in her voice and eyes. But it's not my fault. I've tried my best and I'm still trying in the little way I can.

"It's not as easy as you think. His predicament is indeed a rare one. It's common but rare. One can barely see medical practitioners specialized in that area." I said.

Oh. I see. Don't you think it's high time he knew about this?" She asked in her thick Australian accent. She got it from my mom. I wonder why I didn't get it. I mean if I had an Australian accent, I'd never shut up.

That aside, I wasn't expecting her to say that. How would he react? Well on the other hand, it's his body. He has the right to know.

"I do. I want to tell him, but..."

"Wait! You really wanna tell him? When I said you should tell him, I didn't literally mean it. Wow! Mom are you really gonna tell him he has..."

"Hello" I answered my phone. Someone called, interrupting Natalia.

"Hello?" The person said.

"Yes? Good morning."

"Is this Mrs Grey, the mother of Kevin Grey?"

I felt my heart beat faster than normal. I hope Kevin's okay? I hope he hasn't fainted or something?

"Yes. I am his mother. I hope all is fine?"

"Sorry to bring your hope down. All isn't fine. Your son just fainted."

I felt the phone slip from my hand, to the floor. Natalia picked it up.

Oh no! Oh no! Just what I was avoiding.

"Hello?... Oh my God!!... I'll inform her." Natalia said.

"Mom, he said we should go to Cherry Academy to take Kevin home."

Jeremy! Jeremy!! Jeremy!!! You're gonna be so grounded when you come home.

"Let's go." I said.

I revved the car engine to life.

"Call dad." I instructed. "While I call that foolish and careless brother of yours." I added.

"HELLO!" I practically screamed as he picked the call, after the third time of calling, to be precise.


"Mom, I swear I didn't take him there. He went by himself." He defended.

"Lies! Stop telling lies, would you?" I asked in a fit of rage.

"Hey!" "Crazy driver!" "Watch where you're going!" "You wanna kill someone?" "Drive slower." Were some of the comments made by some people. Well, I wouldn't blame them, I was driving recklessly. At this point, nothing matters.

I stepped on the brakes.

"Hey motherf**kers, LEAVE ME!! Y'ALL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS BOTHERING ME!" I screamed. Well, that shut 'em up.

I increased my speed. Soon, we arrived at Cherry Academy.

"Ke... Kevin? Are you... are you alright?" I asked, in tears. Though I knew he wasn't.

"Ye... Yes." He managed to say.

"Mom, I need... handkerchief." He said.

I gave it to him. Immediately, he coughed on it.

"Mom look." He said, showing me where he had coughed on. Blood. I saw blood.

"He'll faint, then he'll cough blood, he'll always feel weak. That's when you'll know the situation is getting worse." I heard my husband say. Those were the doctor's words. I felt tears rolling down my cheek.

"Dear, let's take him to the hospital." I suggested.

He kept coughing and coughing, and then all of a sudden, he blacked out.


A/N: Guys, sorry this wasn't good enough.

Vote and comment.

Love y'all


Stay Safe😉😷

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