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Kevin stared out through the window of the orphanage he stayed in, which is now a home to him.

He could see people trooping in and out. Cars coming in and out. He looked out with hope. Hope that maybe one of them will be his real parent. Hope that maybe, just maybe, one of them will adopt him.

He has always done that. Right from the day he turned four. At that age, he realized that other kids he saw at the playground had a mom and a dad, clinging to them while they were on the slides, so they would not fall off. He saw kids his age who had parents to push them while on the swing. Unlike him, who had caretakers whom he addressed as 'Miss' not mom.

He wondered what it'd be like, how it'd feel to have that one person that will be ever ready to change his diapers, just like he saw the moms at the playground do to their children. How it'd feel for someone to push you on the swing, knowing you wouldn't fall, and then when you're done with that, you get an ice-cream or chocolate or even a cake.

Kevin couldn't help but wonder how it felt to have both parents by his side. He could only hope that one day, they'd come to take him from this horrible place. Telling him they're sorry for abandoning him. Or he'll be adopted by really nice people.

"Happy Children's Day!" Vivian said to the children.

Kevin's POV

Well we're not really children. That's what Miss Eve said to us. She said children are people with parents. That we are orphans, not children.

"Don't say that, Kevin." Vivian said, wiping tears which I didn't even know were there, off my cheek.

"Oops! Did I say that aloud?" I asked.

"Yes you did, child. Please don't say that. Even if you're an orphan, that doesn't and cannot change the fact that you're a child." Vivian said.

Vivian is one of our caretakers. She's really nice. She looks like she's in her mid twenties.

"But Miss Eve said..."

"Shh" She cut in, gently touching my lips with her index finger.

"Forget about what Miss Eve said, okay? While you're here, you are my child. Don't forget that." She reassured me.

"Today's your special day. It's your birthday. Someone might adopt you today. Just get ready. Once you hear your name, you should immediately run to whoever it is, calling you. Bye. I've got work to do. I'll be back." Vivian said.

She's so nice. Sometimes I wonder if she's my mom but she doesn't know. It's possible.

"I really hope someone adopts me. Then I'll show that Eve Missy that I have parents." One of the kids, whose name I don't know said, making the children to giggle.

"Uh Oh." One of the female who looks like she's probably four, five or six, said.

We all turned to look at where she was looking at, only to see-

"Miss Eve!" The boy who said that earlier gasped in shock. Eyes widened, mouth agape.

What a funny sight to behold.

"You wait till you see what I'll do to you." She said, taking large strides to where the boy stood.

"You come here." She said, grabbing the boy who's almost the same height as her. I wonder how old he is.

Don't get me wrong. Miss Eve wasn't short. She was actually huge. Fat and 5'7.

"Where's the girl who said 'uh oh'?" She mimicked.

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