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There are times in life when we feel useless.
Those times when
Nothing we planned is working out well.
When it seems like life has no meaning.
And then we think;
'Why don't I just end it all? '

But when there's darkness,
There's a little ray of light.
Which in our case is hope.
When we're in situations like that,
We can only hope all will be well.

But then... we notice... it's all still the same.
No change.
And then we finally decide to end it all.
Then... just then... we realize,
We realize that our life
Doesn't only revolve around us,
But also others.
We mean more to them, than we can tell.

In that moment we realize
Why we shouldn't back out.
Why we should continue fighting.
Why we should face our demons
And not run away from them.


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"Kevin, umm... the knife?" She said but it came out more like a question.

"Oh." I said. She took it from my hand, opened the window to throw it out.

"Hey! Who's that? Look before you throw! You almost stabbed my leg. Kids these days, so silly and naughty! Can't even say sorry. You know what? I'm coming there!" The Italian guy said. I love his accent. We squatted on the toilet seat, so he won't see us.

"Nice accent!" We said in sync.

"Jinx. Double jinx." We said in sync. Again.

"Oh you little children. Naughty. For real, Imma come there and teach you a lesson." He said. Oh his accent makes me wish I was an Italian.

"Come on. Let's go." She whispered, as I came down. I held her hand so she could come down with ease. But me being the gentleman I am, just held her hand, instead of assisting her to come down. She held it, thinking I'd pull her closer so she'll come down. Instead, she thought I was holding her firmly, so she ended up falling. Her ass hitting the ground, square.

"Oops. Sorry." I said, pulling her up. Suppressing my laugh. I bit my inner lip, trying to suppress the laugh. But all to no avail. I ended up laughing.

I looked at her. I could see she was clearly embarrassed. I stopped laughing. The image of the way she reacted when she fell and her facial expression while she was falling, played in my head. I couldn't help but laugh. She joined in the laughter.

"Sorry... I'm... so... s... so... sorry." I managed to say, amidst laughter.

I helped her to stand up.

"It's not funny, you know." She said. Still laughing.

"But you're laughing." I said.

She smacked my shoulder lightly with her palm.

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